What a crap day yesterday

Had a shitter myself to be honest,if you look in the pre match discussion thread,you'll see I posted before the game,that I had put a bet on tevez to score the first and city to win 5-0....then I realised I'd ticked the box what said"first half scorecast"....gutted,cost me £1250 :(
Had a shitter myself to be honest,if you look in the pre match discussion thread,you'll see I posted before the game,that I had put a bet on tevez to score the first and city to win 5-0....then I realised I'd ticked the box what said"first half scorecast"....gutted,cost me £1250 :(

Ouch mate,I bet that hurt.
Had a shitter myself to be honest,if you look in the pre match discussion thread,you'll see I posted before the game,that I had put a bet on tevez to score the first and city to win 5-0....then I realised I'd ticked the box what said"first half scorecast"....gutted,cost me £1250 :(

I know how you're feeling mate, I've done it myself.
oakiecokie said:
Bit of an understatement actually !
Had a few beers in town and arrived at Mary D`s at about 3.00 pm,ready for a few more.No problem until a twat on Security decided I`d had to much pop and refused me entry.
Had all my faculties about me and no matter how much I pleaded this bastard wasn`t for letting me in.I did not swear or use insulting behaviour towards him.
So I trudged back to Mary D`s to watch the game on me tod,whilst my 7 other mates were watching inside the ground.
Ordered a pint and fuck me,I`d lost about £50 somewhere.So now I`m thirsty,skint and really pissed off !!
To make matters worse I also lost my glasses and me fooking elbow crutches,making it impossible to go anywhere else,until my mates came back and also scrounge a fooking drink or two off `em !
Thank fuck for the result.Now having to phone Mary D`s later to see if anyone has handed in both glasses and crutches.
you sound out of your mind tbh
dawlish dave said:
What the F is this doing on the bluemoon page this is just a knobhead telling the world he made a twat of himself get the wanker in the celler pronto.

Ooh aren't you a nasty one and bossy with it too !!!
This reminds me of that episode of Extras when Gervais notices a girl walking towards him and thinks she might be drunk when she is actually disabled.

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