What a crap day yesterday

moomba said:
Ha ha, I lost my glasses on a night out once. Only problem is I genuinely can't see without them, but didnt realise Id lost them until i got home.

Not my finest hour I'll admit.

Irony at its best mate..:)

you lose the thing you need to find the thing youve lost. ;)
bluelol said:
oakiecokie said:
bluelol said:
I had a funny day yesterday. I was walking out of the ground and bent over to pick £50 off the floor but fell over some crutches, if I’d of had the right glasses on I would have been ok, not a mate to be seen to help me either!!!!!!


Sorry Oakie!!
shhhhhhhh. dont apologise.. make him suffer..;)
Quality story this one. You are charged with the crime of being an uncontrollable pisscan. The evidence so far :

You got a mini-bus from somewhere to town on which you and your mates had 2 crates of lager.

You went to a number of pubs in town and paid around £29 a round. There were 8 of you so you've had quite a few before you've got to...

...Mary D's 2 and a half hours before kick off for more drink.

Onto the ground where you've had a confrontation with MCFC security.

Back to Mary D's to cadge more ale.

At some point, and I'm guessing it wasn't in Mary D's because you wouldn't have had to look far, you've lost your crutches and glasses.

You also 'lost' £50 during the day.

Your missus is aware you are a liability when on the drink and refused you permission to take a bank card with you.

I put it to the court of Bluemoon that oakiecokie supped the £50 with his merry band of men. His wife is a long suffering woman who knew what was in the pipeline and hid his debit cards. The crutches were probably left on whatever transport got you to Mary D's the first time. When you approached the stadium, you were unsteady on your legs, this was due to a combination of your missing crutches and the copius amounts of ale you'd consumed. The security guard quite rightly refused you entry. I suggest that the glasses were lost in the altercation with the turnstile security. Your friends abandoned you after the match because by this time, you'd become a nuisance.

I rest my case and leave you, the ladies and gentlemen of the jury to make up your own minds.
samharris said:
bluelol said:
oakiecokie said:

Sorry Oakie!!
shhhhhhhh. dont apologise.. make him suffer..;)

The thing is Sam I can sympathise. I remember trying to get home one day from the pub in a right state. Two of my mates dragged me home and propped me up against the door and rang the bell. At that moment the wife opened the door and as she did I ripped my ear off on the letter box and smashed my nose in on the floor. My mates apologised for bringing me home in such a state but she explained I can’t see f all without my glasses!!!
black mamba said:
hehe .......

we've all had days like that ...

i remember one occasion ten years ago , when i had a bit too much to drink in a city centre hostelry , stumbled in a pothole outside , and fractured me fuckin' ankle .....

and on another occasion i managed to lose £800 , never mind £50 !

bet you lost that 800 to bookies<br /><br />-- Sun Mar 10, 2013 12:02 pm --<br /><br />Guilty as charged m'lud.
bluelol said:
The thing is Sam I can sympathise. I remember trying to get home one day from the pub in a right state. Two of my mates dragged me home and propped me up against the door and rang the bell. At that moment the wife opened the door and as she did I ripped my ear off on the letter box and smashed my nose in on the floor. My mates apologised for bringing me home in such a state but she explained I can’t see f all without my glasses!!!

Laughing like a hyena at that.
bluelol said:
samharris said:
bluelol said:
Sorry Oakie!!
shhhhhhhh. dont apologise.. make him suffer..;)

The thing is Sam I can sympathise. I remember trying to get home one day from the pub in a right state. Two of my mates dragged me home and propped me up against the door and rang the bell. At that moment the wife opened the door and as she did I ripped my ear off on the letter box and smashed my nose in on the floor. My mates apologised for bringing me home in such a state but she explained I can’t see f all without my glasses!!!

This thread has been a classic but that post really made me laugh out loud. Excellent!

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