What annoys you about modern-day football?

Money, simples.....

The Cost - sure I could watch a semi-pro match for a few quid but my team isn't low-league. Lower-budget standing should be available for families/people on lower-incomes.
Also replica shirts are way overpriced, there is no need to replace them every season...

The Wages - sure in any other business staff are paid what the employers think they are worth, but in Sport? this creates an uneven playing field... Wage capping should be introduced and transfer fees should be scrapped, this would make the sport far more competitive and interesting.
Would never happen as the decision makers are too corrupt, but would ease the pressure on many clubs which struggle to compete with the top flight clubs like us.

Media Control - seems the likes of BskyB have way too much power over the football in this country, this dictates when games are played, attendance figures at grounds, even who finishes top (the higher you finish the more tv money you get) the more tv money you get the more you can buy/pay players.
This revolving cycle is competitively unfair and decreases the risk of Sky's investments becoming relegated. The more consistent the league is (ala sky4) the more familiar their product becomes and interest strikes.
The money that young players get. I know this sound "old man-ish", but they get spoilt these days. At 17 they earn more money in a week, that most don't earn in a year. Where's the hunger and the motivation? Its no wonder so many fail, or become twats.

The refusal to put technology in the game.

The atmosphere at most British ground being awful. The likes of Greece, Turkey, Eastern Europe, South America, absolutly piss over ours.

The Champions League group stages.

The uneven distribution of money in the game.

The win at all costs mentality in grassroots football.

How expensive tickets are in this country.

Player power.

The FA cup semi's at Wembley.
1. Gary Neville

2. Hairbands / Ear studs (of any description but especially those fuckin enormous diamonds ala Ricardo Fuller)

3. International friendlies

4. Sepp Bletter

5. Wages

6. Agents

7. John Terry

8. Modern football media

9. 11 men behind the ball

10. Pictures from Malaysia / Singapore of 'fans' holding Man United banners
the diving and kidology....simulation, my arse...it's blatant cheating

refs inability to allow decent hard tackling or even contact

stupid goal celebrations

too many foreigners in the english game
For me its the lack of any fair tackles now, any physical contact is being frowned on,resulting in soft yellows. The refereeing standards have fallen and seem to favour the top sides ( apart from us).The atmospheres at grounds have become less exciting ,probably due to seating and the general out pricing of working class fans.
Not enough Norman Hunters, Chopper Harris's or Tommy Smith's....

(Mind you, they would be sent off after five minutes anyway)......
The media. Not just with how they treat city but the way they just move from club to club piling pressure on them.

Often when a manager is sacked, they quote something like "growing pressure from the fans forced him out." No no no no no, the fans don't put pressure on him- sensationalist headlines and innacurate stories and the 'lapping up' of losses by papers like 'The Sun' is what creates pressure. Not the fans.

Secondly, one rule for some clubs and different rules for others- I am looking mainly at the rags.
db79ctid said:
1. Play acting 2. No-one is allowed to give an opinion on refs(fergie excluded of course) 3. If a player says one thing in a 10 minute interview it's pinpointed and twisted 4. Player wages 5. Ridiculous coloured boots 6. Teams that change there tops every season. That'll do for now

All of this....and more.

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