what annoys you most with other fans??

phoenixxblue wrote:
I absolutely hate that stupid, slowed down version of "oh when the spurs go marchin in" the spuds fans sing. Makes me cringe

This, and I was sick every time I use to hear "I love Martin Jol, Martin Jol loves me" also in a pathetic slow version.
1_barry_conlon said:
danburge82 said:
Well considering we get nearly 20000 more fans now than we did when we really were shit I suppose other fans have a point! I remember shouting to our own fans at Svens first game when we got about 44000 "where were you lot under Pearce?!" I got a few funny looks but a few laughs too!

I hate any songs to the tune of "Paolo di Canio, Sven Goran Ericksson, We Got Robinho, Ireland Is Superman, Your Ground's Too Big For You, Jose Mourinho, ................." Shit tune, shit chants!

So we were only getting 24k under Pearce then? I think your figures are wide of the mark there mate.

Very wide - I think we have very well since we have moved to Eastland (in the league).
Any song by any fans sing about a clubs disaster and really hate the Pool fans singing "Fields of Athenry".
danburge82 said:
Well you've used the figures to suit your comment. I actually said we get NEARLY 20000 more fans NOW (as in 2010!) than we did when we REALLY WERE SHIT (as in 1998 when we were getting 28000 in the third division!).
A few gloryhunters tagged along for the playoff final though.
Well you've used the figures to suit your comment. I actually said we get NEARLY 20000 more fans NOW (as in 2010!) than we did when we REALLY WERE SHIT (as in 1998 when we were getting 28000 in the third division!).

But you knew that really didn't you? You just don't like it!

Maybe if I could type properly I'd'v put a new paragraph in where I started the 44000 Sven bit in as it was a seperate thing to my first comment.

And both are true!

I guarantee there are City fans who chant back to away fans "we were here when we were shit!" who never went near a City game from 1996-2001![/quote]

The crowds now cannot be compared to the crowds of the mid 90s as City like every other club supporters base, has grown due to Sky, better facilites, better players and wider exposure of the game. Its not a case of loyalty just a greater interest in football generally.

The fact is that our crowds actually went up during our relegation years, which is a much greater indicator of loyalty than making comparisons with attendances 15 years later when the whole landscape of football has changed.

You may of had a valid point if only City's attendances had grown, but the fact is interest in football has grown generally with all clubs in the top two divisions enjoying attendance growth.

All clubs will have variations in attendance when becoming more successful and City are now exception to that. Occasional fans will become frequent visitors, Regular fans will stretch themselves more financially to attend and yes there will be bandwagon jumpers.

City proved themselves during the bad times, and thats something Im personally proud off.
I like the Spurs version of "when the Saints", it creates a good atmosphere and they are fucking loud when they sing it.

Cringeworthy wise, you'll be hard pressed to beat this:

franksinatra said:
Well you've used the figures to suit your comment. I actually said we get NEARLY 20000 more fans NOW (as in 2010!) than we did when we REALLY WERE SHIT (as in 1998 when we were getting 28000 in the third division!).

But you knew that really didn't you? You just don't like it!

Maybe if I could type properly I'd'v put a new paragraph in where I started the 44000 Sven bit in as it was a seperate thing to my first comment.

And both are true!

I guarantee there are City fans who chant back to away fans "we were here when we were shit!" who never went near a City game from 1996-2001!

Didn't read your post but thought the I'd'v was very creative!
Drums and all that stuff dont bother me, I like it.

What I dont like, what makes me cringe infact, is music after a goal. Especially when its some of smeg cheese like chelsea fucking dagger that has inbred fans from the likes of bolton dancing along to it like fucking idiots.

"one nil to the arsenal". what is it with londoners and putting "the" before every fucking thing. THE CHELSEA. THE WEST HAM. THE ARSENAL. THE MAN UNITED. how about get THE fuck.

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