What are you scared of? Your phobia?

BingoBango said:

bingo bango


The Grim Reaper I can handle, since I can take a swing at him. Dying, on the other hand - and staying dead for the rest of eternity - scares the bejeeus out of me.

Cheery afternoon thought for you all there.
I am not scared of death only the process of dying, working in the NHS for many years I saw many death masks, the faces of people dead, the looks on their faces like they saw something incomprehensibly frightening, must admit put the shits up me a bit.

Saw many people who looked at peace as well though, usually those that suffered much pain.

I think heart attacks catch people by surprise; their faces usually have a sort of WTF look about them with eyes wide open, when they are lay dead in the morgue, like they totally did not expect that

Will create a thread one day and share all my experiences (for you bingo)
Mada-MCFC-adaM said:
Mine is the old favourite, the most scariest thing in the world - spiders.

I'm scared to shit just typing this, haha.

Obviously Rags as well.

Does anyone have a strange phobia, like Baked Beans or women?
other than heights which scare me shitless, the thing i dont like apart for rags and everything to do with em. ice in drinks and mash potato on its own both make me heave,horse fly`s because you know they will keep coming back for you blood little bastards,the remedy for the little shit`s is wait till they land and settle then smash the little daylight`s out of them,
Not scared off just knocks me phsically sick, when people scratch there nails or the thought of them bending backwards or getting them caught on something......................

I just threw up!
meldrew said:
Not scared off just knocks me phsically sick, when people scratch there nails or the thought of them bending backwards or getting them caught on something......................

I just threw up!
what about nails down a blackboard ?
Spiders, snakes, needles, heights & anything to do with anything wrong with your eyes.

My uncle once accidently drilled into his eye ball and had to have an injection in his eye ball, YES, IN HIS EYE BALL, THE ONE HE DRILLED INTO!

Fucking sick!
Fear of needles = Trypanaphobia
I thought i was the only one who suffered that.
I am not scared of death only the process of dying, working in the NHS for many years I saw many death masks, the faces of people dead, the looks on their faces like they saw something incomprehensibly frightening, must admit put the shits up me a bit.

Saw many people who looked at peace as well though, usually those that suffered much pain.

I think heart attacks catch people by surprise; their faces usually have a sort of WTF look about them with eyes wide open, when they are lay dead in the morgue, like they totally did not expect that

Will create a thread one day and share all my experiences (for you bingo)

You're too kind.

The process of dying, while undoubtedly unpleasant and painful, isn't the thing that brings me out in the sweats, it's the idea that it's lights out, kaputski, all over for the rest of time, and being totally unaware. The thought of ceasing to be terrifies me.

The only consolation is that while I know I will die one day, so will all United fans ;-)

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