What beer have you got for Christmas ?

Sadly I do not have any beer or vodka in the house, not a drop, i HAD a 1.5 liter bottle of Vodka in on Friday night, but sadly that is now empty.

Will have to do with 72 tins of strongbow.
They never have that in my tesco as it is one of those shitty small ones :(
I will see if they have them online, tbh i forgot about the speciale ones.
oakiecokie said:
TCIB said:
Eh up Oakie.

Aye i remember my first wheat bee at the copper pot or whatever it was called on the corner opposite oxford road station, remember it ?
Was a hoegaarden and had a warning on the tap as people had been necking it thinking cause it was sweet it was weak.
Staff were in the bog with a mop more often than not hehe.

Vitus won the best wheat beer award, i will bring you a few bottles to take home next match i see you at or meet up :)
I had a wonderful wheat beer when i was i was last in Germany, got so drunk i forgot what it was called :(

What you supping now sir ?

I`m now on the Tsingtao Beer from China,but fooking brewed in London !!!
Are you on about the pub down the side street before you used to come to the BBC TV Buildings ??
The Thirsty Scholar?
oakiecokie said:
syedorf said:
oakiecokie said:
4.8% the same as bud sorry couldn't resist just had a bottle and your right it is shit can't wait for a stella

Thats what I like,getting someone converted to a decent beer.As Del Boy would say "You know it makes sense".
Try stenhauser from aldi pal its one of the best beers I've had
gordondaviesmoustache said:
oakiecokie said:
TCIB said:
Eh up Oakie.

Aye i remember my first wheat bee at the copper pot or whatever it was called on the corner opposite oxford road station, remember it ?
Was a hoegaarden and had a warning on the tap as people had been necking it thinking cause it was sweet it was weak.
Staff were in the bog with a mop more often than not hehe.

Vitus won the best wheat beer award, i will bring you a few bottles to take home next match i see you at or meet up :)
I had a wonderful wheat beer when i was i was last in Germany, got so drunk i forgot what it was called :(

What you supping now sir ?

I`m now on the Tsingtao Beer from China,but fooking brewed in London !!!
Are you on about the pub down the side street before you used to come to the BBC TV Buildings ??
The Thirsty Scholar?

The Lass O`Gowrie mate.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
oakiecokie said:
TCIB said:
Eh up Oakie.

Aye i remember my first wheat bee at the copper pot or whatever it was called on the corner opposite oxford road station, remember it ?
Was a hoegaarden and had a warning on the tap as people had been necking it thinking cause it was sweet it was weak.
Staff were in the bog with a mop more often than not hehe.

Vitus won the best wheat beer award, i will bring you a few bottles to take home next match i see you at or meet up :)
I had a wonderful wheat beer when i was i was last in Germany, got so drunk i forgot what it was called :(

What you supping now sir ?

I`m now on the Tsingtao Beer from China,but fooking brewed in London !!!
Are you on about the pub down the side street before you used to come to the BBC TV Buildings ??
The Thirsty Scholar?

Not that one, that had it's own brewery didn't it ?.

As you come down the drop off cul de sac thing out of oxford road, straight across the road on the corner is a great big ornate doorway.
Should still be all made out of copper, it was downstairs.
syedorf said:
oakiecokie said:
syedorf said:
Thats what I like,getting someone converted to a decent beer.As Del Boy would say "You know it makes sense".
Try stenhauser from aldi pal its one of the best beers I've had

Really !! Was in our local one a week or so ago, looking at what they had on offer.Guess I need to go back then.Cheers.
oakiecokie said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
oakiecokie said:
I`m now on the Tsingtao Beer from China,but fooking brewed in London !!!
Are you on about the pub down the side street before you used to come to the BBC TV Buildings ??
The Thirsty Scholar?

The Lass O`Gowrie mate.

Ahh that was the one with the brewery was it ? while ago now since i drank around those parts.
Mini keg of purple moose (myrica gale).
Mini keg of purple moose (merry xmoose).
8 cans of black sheep ale.
20 cans of guinness.
20 cans of boddies.
20 bottles of becks.
20 bottles of stella.
24 bottles of sauvignon blanc.
1lt of captain morgan spiced rum.
1lt of woohoo.

Fair to say that this Christmas, will be very merry!.

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