What city/town do you hate the most?

Blackpool. I go back every 10 years or so to make sure it's still a shit hole, and it always is.
A mate of mine is taking a temporary job there for a few months. Don't have the heart to tell him what a shit hole it is. Most big towns and cities have shit hole parts of them. Fucking hate Reading.
Wales can provide some candidates - Rhyl (full of Scousers who have passed a special Obnoxious Scouser test to qualify for residence.) Holyhead (Bacup with a harbour.) Merthyr Tydfil (makes Radcliffe look like Beverley Hills.)

Liverpool centre is quite OK tbh, but some of the hinterlands - fuck me. Bootle could give pre-reunification East Berlin a run for its money.

Nottingham has some singularly weird people in it.

Stoke, yeah, shit tip. But I did use to visit quite often at one time and found some of the locals to be surprisingly affable.

Bolton and Rochdale - both fallen badly in the last 30 years. Although both have some nice bits.

(EDIT) How did I forget fucking Grimsby? Mega shithole that stinks of fish. Harpurhey if moved to the sea and enlarged, would be a cut above it.
Here’s another vote for Merthyr.
Stockport ( and I was born there), Blackpool what a total sh*t hole and London ( central London apart which is stunning)
I don't hate it, as I've only driven through it a couple of times, but Flint is a godforsaken shit hole of a place.
Likewise, Holyhead.

A little closer to home, I'd avoid Earlestown if I were you. A quaint English village it ain't. The women are all 40something, shellsuit wearing, 18 stone hags, and the blokes all look a bit "challenged", if you know what I mean. There's a decent butcher's shop, though
Outside of The UK definitely Cairo.

Millions of people in quite a small place going 100mph. Everybody and everything was in a rush and just constant traffic noise no matter what time of day.

As spectacular as the Pyramids are the area surrounding them is a complete shit hole.

The part of The Nile running though Cairo is absolutely disgusting as well. It's like a murky grey/black colour and it stinks. I saw a dead cow floating though it and people were washing themselves in the water while a few feet away someone was having a dump in it
Amen to that. Horrible place.

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