What City's success means to you?

Christ - I've got a lump in my throat reading some of this.
I had my 52nd birthday last week so I do have schoolboy memories of our successful era. Over the years my support has never wavered, but I suppose I did become conditioned with that 'typical city' mentality, constantly waiting for the next fuck up.
I never expected we'd be able to reach the stage we are now at. I'll tell you this though, when we do finally win something it will make worthwhile every frigging moment I've had to endure over the last 33 years (Ricky Villas goal, David Pleat's twatting dance, countless cup fuck ups, anything by Alan Ball, the 8-1 at Boro etc etc...)
Like a previous poster said it's the journey we've had to make to get here that has made City fans what we are.
I'll drink a toast to my old man who's no longer with us, and then get completely pissed for a week......
I would like to thank F Bloke for starting this thread. Again I have read it through from start to finish and again I am flooded with tears.

We are so close now that I can almost taste it. I think City winning a Trophy is the most important thing in my life right now.

Every time we have an RIP thread such as the " Daisy" thread yesterday I think how sad it is that another Blue is missing out on the special times to come.

We need to take a moment and think not only what City's success means to ourselves but what it means to each other.

I am certain after reading these posts again that most of us are doing that.

We are City fans and this is what makes us special.
ifiwasarichfan said:
I would like to thank F Bloke for starting this thread. Again I have read it through from start to finish and again I am flooded with tears.

We are so close now that I can almost taste it. I think City winning a Trophy is the most important thing in my life right now.

Every time we have an RIP thread such as the " Daisy" thread yesterday I think how sad it is that another Blue is missing out on the special times to come.

We need to take a moment and think not only what City's success means to ourselves but what it means to each other.

I am certain after reading these posts again that most of us are doing that.

We are City fans and this is what makes us special.

We all know that following a football club is an emotional experience, but what is so heart warming is how often the posts are about family, connections to others and how the people who are no longer with us are still in the 'now' (almost present) when we think of our team.

I am grateful that all of the family who have been part of my CIty are still with me but, there is a description of my Mams granddad walking to the game from Great Western Street, bowler hat on, suit clean and pressed. He did that every home game even though he was very much a working class man with very little cash.

He was buried in a paupers grave long before I was born, but he was still proud enough to dress up for the blues.<br /><br />-- Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:32 am --<br /><br />Well we are even closer now than ever.

I have lost my dad since I started my thread so the most important part of my OP is lost forever -

I, for example, have never been able to celebrate a trophy win with my dad and he feels almost guilty having seen so much in the 60's.

But then again I have the kids to share with but somehow that isnt the same.

C'mon City!
Bump. My favourite ever; thread on the Forum.

With a week to go; I thought that new (and not so new) posters would like to see some of the comments made in this, the most emotional of threads.

A few highlights:

RAMMY BLUES -32 years of pain gone in a flash,"

RICKMCFC - My dad said to me, I just want to see City win something with you Boys in my lifetime"

BLUEMOONER - "I now dare to dream that it might actually happen"

ONO - "When we win something it will be the best day of my Life"

STUART - " It's going to happen one day. I know it will. It's what kept me going in the past and will keep me going in the future"

DUCADO - It will just make it all the more worthwhile with all the disappointment over the years we have had"

We are so close now that I can almost taste it.
It will mean everything to me.

there are some regrets.
my grandad isnt around to see it, him and my dad took me to my first game
I wont be with my dad at wembley as he is going and I am stuck in hospital, but my little sister is using my ticket.
I might not actually get to watch the match, depends on my treatment. The nurses threatened to turn off the semi when my heart rate reached 150, stupid cardiac ward.
What a great thread! Just read it all from the start & it sums up what it means to be a City fan! I was born in 1980 & started going to city proper from 1994 every season til now without seeing us win anything.

As that banner ticked forward every year another year of my life came and went I never believed I'd see us win anything. As much as any blue loves Lee, Bell and Summerbee, the heroes of my generation were never rewarded with a trophy. Now we are close to it and I cant f&%kin wait!

If we win the FA Cup, I'd happily wait another 35 years without a trophy & that's something only a blue can understand.

I wont have to wait that long, and I know I will appreciate every trophy we win 7 will never get bored of it! CTID<br /><br />-- Sat May 07, 2011 8:30 am --<br /><br />check out this documentary of CITY! from my first year on this planet.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.frontlinefootball.com/Football-Documentaries/city-documentary/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.frontlinefootball.com/Footba ... cumentary/</a>

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