What did you do when the fourth went in? [merged]

i was angry it was just cheasting on the highest level and was justshouting and punching things
i was devestated and just sat in Mary D's completely numb! then I realised how good we now are and fuck the red twats there is a new era dawning over Manchester and it is fooking BLUE!

Gutted but proud and excited pretty well summed me up!
gave as many v signs as possible without making eye contact so i could not see the glee on their smug fuc**** faces.
Walked straight out of the pub disgusted and went looking for a small animal to kick up the arse.
I live near Barnsley so was in a pub which was predominantly rags. I'd had a fair few pints by the end and had been shouting at the ref to blow the whistle. When the fourth went in I stood up and annouced to the pub that it was f*cking disgrace and they were all cheating bastards, then flounced outside.
I then had to wait outside for 10 minutes for my wife to come and pick me up.
Fanzone Danny said:
i was devestated and just sat in Mary D's completely numb! then I realised how good we now are and fuck the red twats there is a new era dawning over Manchester and it is fooking BLUE!

Gutted but proud and excited pretty well summed me up!
Nice one mate. Hope you saw the red prick on Fanzone. Just as well you were not there cos you might be up on an assault charge!
Bananas said:
I ended up in casualty after fighting with a plastic armchair rag in my local. The knobhead had a sovrin ring on and caught me just above the lip. Ended up with three stitches and they had to shave half my moustache off. Just looked in the mirror and I look a right ****. I really really hate the bastards even more. I didn't think it was possible.

Gary Neville lookalike eh ?..... you red twat.
After nearly eating the tele when we got the third i was still on my knees praying for the whistle and screaming at the ref to blow. When that tosser got the fourth my 7 year old burst into tears proclaiming his hatred for all things red and the ref ,so realising his distress i had to be mature and console him with words like: its only a game: and we will beats them at our place . So when he went out to play pretending to be bellers i went for a drive with i said bluemoon pumping out screaming it at the topof my voice and then came home and sunk into a major deppressed state ,which i am just coming out of with the help of bluemoon.......lets ave it come on..
Was no-one in Mary Ds. I just stood there with my hands on my head, pints at the tv. Then walked towward the front door with a number of other fuming city fans just to realise the fukin door was locked, that just annoyed everyone even more, then walked to town empty

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