What did you do when the fourth went in? [merged]

I was in the ground and I simply put my hands on my head and sulked for ten minutes, staring into space. Possibly the worst feeling I have had following a goal since Tommy Hutchison's own goal at Wembley in 1981, when I was 8 years old.
I screamed for the ref to end the game, and when the fourth went in i broke my chair in two and my wife and kid ran like hell, my father almost shit him self LOL.
I just stood there dumbstruck, waiting too see the linesmans flag, hear the refs whistle, ANYTHING! I honestly just couldn't believe what had happened. Even though I said as soon as I saw Owen getting changed, 'that **** is going to score', I'd completely forgot he was in the game.Was sat bang in the middle of the away end so didn't have to stand too close to the bastards but watching them cheer and go mental was the most painful experience Ive ever felt at a football match (aged 15.)

It will take a long time to get over that!
Sat there in shock, jaw dropped and without moving. Simply shocked at what had just happened. Motionless while the United fans celerbrated infront of me.
Strange thing was half way through the second half I was quite relaxed & felt sure we were destined to get something out of the game no matter what happened, & after going mad when we equalised I was so happy in the knowledge that a draw with most of the strikers missing & defending so badly was a great result.
I didnt do anything when owen scored I just couldnt move or say anything I could not work out how the cheating bastards had done it again.
Funny thing is I thought after the game that the whole world would now realise what we had known for years that there was a major problem with corruption in the game & ferguson had given the game away with his antics at the end.
Needless to say that didnt happen & according to match of the day the ref only played 1 second overtime??????????, it was the best derby ever???????, united gifted us all our goals & they should really have won 6 nill oh & by the way everyone is going to ignore the coin throwing, the fan running on the pitch, nevilles celebration in front of the city fans & baconfaces little chat with the fourth official but suprise suprise the FA will be looking into the bellamy incident.
All I can hope is hughes can use this latest injustice as a way of building a team to beat everything that is thrown at them because if we do manage to win anything we are going to have to do it the hard way.
Punched the TV, and it went off (luckily I 'fixed' it in time to watch Match of the Day - hurrah) Then started yelling, cursing the rag bastards and cried for only the second time because of City - the other was Division 2 playoff when we were losing and I was 5.

Bunch of wankers, wait till April.
I threw my mobile on the living room floor and it smashed said F*** a lot,
then weirdly 2 mins after the game had finished I was fine again, not the usual disillusoned, we are never going to be better than them feeling, but a feeling that over the next few years we can compete and over take them and that might be the worst aI might feel for a while.

That happy feeling thou It was gone again this morning with all the plastic Irish Rags giving it large in work and then reading the bile printed in the press!!!

So i Swapped my broken phone for one of theirs a lunch lol!
Threw the remote at the telly as hard as I could - luckily missed but it smashed into pieces. Ran around the garden shouting "cheating fucking Red c@nts" extremely loud about 50 times, desperately wanting some plastic red neighbour to say something so I could vent my anger on their noggin. Then, on advice of the missus went for a very long walk (complete with bag full of Stellas), swearing very loudly alot of the time listening to the aftermath on the radio.

Good job I have calmed down ALOT since the old days, God knows what would have happened...

But, well played Blues and Mr Hughes is starting to impress me hugely. Our time is coming soon. The scum know that and so do the others judging by their reactions to last week and this.

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