What Does It Feel Like?

So what does it feel like to be champions?
Fucking truly fantastic! I was still on the ceiling til about Thursday morning and only started to come back to planet Earth last night. Right now I'm in bed because it's absolutely knackered me out. I've got no energy or owt. What a feeling!

Do you get out of bed in the morning with a big grin on your face?
With a skip in my step and a feeling of euphoria. Buzzing!

Does your life feel complete now you have won a champions medal?
Yes! I said on Sunday night that I never need to watch another football match ever again.

Do you crave more titles and silverware?
Not even thought about it yet.

Do you care if you never won a medal again now you have this one?
No. If i get to seventy years old, I'll look back at Wemlbey last year and the title win this season and I'll die a happy man!

Is it surreal?
It's mad as toast fella!

Do you feel smug when seeing a United fan at school/work/on the street knowing you got one over on your rivals?
I always have done because even in our darkest days and with them at their height I was always smug and happy to be a Blue. I've always known I'm better than them, and I am! They're all complete and utter cunts!
Thanks for the replies some great answers. It must be a wonderful feeling.

Let's hope it's smiles all round next season, myself included! lol
It is indeed a wonderful feeling.

Who knows if we can go on to dominate football? Possibly, but there are too many variables involved and it'd be arrogant to start boasting at this stage. If we win the title again next year, that will be significant.

Obviously, we all want to win more, but I hope we never, ever get to the stage where we point and sneer at 'lesser' clubs. I'd like to think our fans will stay grounded and remember our history in all its colour, including the bleak days.
I would just like to see the expression of the frustrated fan that
the cameras caught seconds before the winning goal. He was thumping
his jacket on his seat and bursting with despair. I wonder what he looked like after ?
I still keep singing Championees all the time. I am absolutely buzzing. I will be for the rest of the summer, year, how ever long.
humpity said:
I would just like to see the expression of the frustrated fan that
the cameras caught seconds before the winning goal. He was thumping
his jacket on his seat and bursting with despair. I wonder what he looked like after ?

I wouldn't have liked to have seen his boxer shorts at full time. Probably a mix of brown and white! lol

I don't know if any fans had left and gave up hope, I seriously hope they didn't, but you do get them sort!
kippaxwarrior said:
How does it feel?
FUCKING AMAZING!! Better than i had hoped

And it was even sweeter doing it this way


Fuck me, tears again watching that video, fantastic, never ever seen the rags celebrate like that.
Crouchinho said:
First of all congratulations on winning the title! I did put a thread in general forum but think it went a bit unnoticed!

So what does it feel like to be champions? Do you get out of bed in the morning with a big grin on your face? Does your life feel complete now you have won a champions medal? Do you crave more titles and silverware? Do you care if you never won a medal again now you have this one? Is it surreal? Do you feel smug when seeing a United fan at school/work/on the street knowing you got one over on your rivals?

Sorry for the bombardment of questions, it just had me wondering! Seeing your celebrations winning the title it almost brought a lump to my throat, a bit of jealously and happiness to see so many people in ecstasy.

Being in the shadows of your neighbours for a long time and them rubbing it in your faces now they have a taste of their own medicine.

I bet there is quite a few of you here who didn't witness a title winning side before, and had to listen to people talk about the greats of Summerbee and Bell. I too have had to listen to that for many years, people talking about the great Greaves, Cryil and Mckay. I bet some of you never thought it would happen in your lifetime.

Now as a Spurs fan is there any hope for me?! It's been over 50 years already, it could easily go another 50. I'm coming close to 40 so I hope I have another 20-30 years in the locker. Someone give me hope!

Also, do you think you can dominate football like Liverpool and United have done? Their consistency was quite remarkable and United are still strong. We've seen Arsenal dominate a season and many thought they would for years to come but they faltered, same with Chelsea, when Roman and Jose were winning stuff you could see it going on for a decade, but that hasn't gone to plan yet. It's going to be difficult but there could be some history made

Good luck for next season and remember to let Spurs win both matches against you!

And a raging boner.
Crouchinho said:
humpity said:
I would just like to see the expression of the frustrated fan that
the cameras caught seconds before the winning goal. He was thumping
his jacket on his seat and bursting with despair. I wonder what he looked like after ?

I wouldn't have liked to have seen his boxer shorts at full time. Probably a mix of brown and white! lol

I don't know if any fans had left and gave up hope, I seriously hope they didn't, but you do get them sort!
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.mcfc.co.uk/citytv/Features/2012/May/End-of-season-emotion" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.mcfc.co.uk/citytv/Features/2 ... on-emotion</a>

Go to 22 seconds and he's on the left<br /><br />-- Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:09 pm --<br /><br />Words cannot describe how it feels, it was unbelievable. Best day of my life

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