What don't you get

The adverts on sky during the men's boxing are for women's sanity products and during the women's boxing its for things like cars and razors. Are they taking the piss. Got a bit tired on Saturday night seeing that bird ice skating and selling things I would guess 99% of the viewers have never needed or bought.
Sanity products you say?
What are these things?
Where can I buy them?

Some adverts are so bad I definitely go out of my way not to purchase products or use services from those companies.

I also don't understand the vast sums that companies pay out for sponsorship. I mean, it must provide value for money, but I don't all of a sudden have a wardrobe full of Puma gear (in fact, other than socks, I have no Puma gear). United have Adidas as a sponsor but that doesn't stop me buying Adidas gear.
It's interesting how adds can alter your purchases.

My son and family stayed with us last weekend, we went onto a place called Cavill Avenue. He noticed a new Whalburgs burger place had opened. He wanted to get some food. I refused saying I'd go to Hungry Jacks or Macca's but seeing as how Mark Whalburg does all these adds on tv here promoting online gambling I refuse to give him any of my money.

Some adverts are so bad I definitely go out of my way not to purchase products or use services from those companies.

I also don't understand the vast sums that companies pay out for sponsorship. I mean, it must provide value for money, but I don't all of a sudden have a wardrobe full of Puma gear (in fact, other than socks, I have no Puma gear). United have Adidas as a sponsor but that doesn't stop me buying Adidas gear.

I tend to agree with you, but normally it's a crap product backed up by a crap advert that just backs up my original feelings.
For that reason, I've no desire whatsoever to set foot in McDonalds, Burger King or KFC unless it's for emergency shit purposes.
Also don't get me started on adverts that use crap poetry. That Shearings advert makes me want to change channel whenever it appears. Saying that, if I ever go on an organised coach trip holiday even when I'm more of a FOC than I am now, please put me down!
Also don't get me started on adverts that use crap poetry. That Shearings advert makes me want to change channel whenever it appears. Saying that, if I ever go on an organised coach trip holiday even when I'm more of a FOC than I am now, please put me down!
For me as well (have to whisper this bit in case my brother hears me) cruises!! I do not want to be trapped on a boat going from port to port. A voyage from say Southampton to New York with no stops I might consider but definitely not a tour cruise.

The my brother bit is because he and his wife and a two more of my brothers are always saying 'You'd love it our EB. You get waited on hand and foot etc., etc., etc.,' I don't want waiting on I'm an independent woman I can turn down my own bed, go to the bar on my own and clean my own bathroom thank you very much!!! :-) JMHO
Rangers fans and their inexhaustible inability to see they are shite and keep telling every **** they are coming. Spoiler. They never do.,

They do provide comedy gold moments as they sway from claiming their pile of shit team are coming to wanting the same team dead in a matter of days, hours sometimes before they play us snd we beat them.

I don't get why if I hear people eating noisily around me I could happily stab them with a fork, yet I can watch this and think it's adorable


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