What exercise have you done today?

BooksReject said:
Good old brick session - 30 miles on my bike, followed by a 3 mile run straight off it. Sweating like a fat bird eating chips...

I had a good old brick session as well...had to strain really hard to take a shit in work, must have burned off loads of calories.
Put my running stuff on ready to go out for a few miles, but ankle was a bit sore.

Been to docs today..... FUCKING GOUT AGAIN !

Bastard, that's a week without exercise or decent sleep ....
I have fitted a new toilet in a bathroom, changed lamps over 7 floors of an office and run to work form the train station because it was pissing it dow, does this count
Squats, dead-lifts, lunges and renegade rows this morning in the gym. Pre-Season training session tonight. My gluteus-maximus is fucking killing me
Walshy said:
Put my running stuff on ready to go out for a few miles, but ankle was a bit sore.

Been to docs today..... FUCKING GOUT AGAIN !

Bastard, that's a week without exercise or decent sleep ....

i suffer from gout. it was becoming ridiculous having attacks in my foot and hands all the time. after years of torture i finally started taking allipurinol but decided after a few months that i didnt want to take any risks with side effects id read about. stopped taking tablets in did the following.

Stopped eating meat. intitially cold turkey (pardon the pun)
Started drinking excessive amounts of water, maybe up to 3 litres of water a day.
Lost almost 3 stone.
Try to drink vodka rather than beer or wine

Have not had a major attack since. I now eat fish regularly and occasionally shell fish and meat, but try to keep it to once or twice a week, but can pretty much drink alcohol without any issues.

I believe losing the weight was the most important, less body mass, means less food to maintain mass which means less purines. I think dehydration is also a factor. Beware though drastic changes in weight can mess with uric acid levels and cause an attack.

The list of foods that are high in purines include mushrooms, legumes aswell as red wine beer, meat, shell fish that everyone knows about. I personally believe that the type food you eat is less important than the quantity. i used to eat massive portions.

anyway i feel for you, they say it is the most painful form of arthritus.<br /><br />-- Thu Aug 04, 2011 2:25 pm --<br /><br />oh yeah swam 30 lengths this morning, will be doing some weights tonight. run to mo morning, then ruining it all by going on bro's stag weekend. have prob tempted fate now, and will have a massive gout attack on monday
Howling Wolf said:
anyway i feel for you, they say it is the most painful form of arthritus.

Cheers Wolf.

I've had it on and off for a few years, but just recently been every couple of weeks. I have been loosing weight and training more so I suspect that is the culprit.

Been to Docs and got some Alopurinol and Colchicine to stop me getting any attacks while I get started on the Alopurinol. Once it's all settled down and I've lost a bit more weight I'll come off it and try to manage it like yourself.

Hurts like a bastard though. I once had it in both Achilles tendons at the same time. Fuck me that made life difficult !

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