What happens when you die?

your soul leaves your body,you see the bright light,meet up with dead relatives and friends and away you go,making the odd return back to earth via a medium at a spiritualist church near you.....
manimanc said:
your soul leaves your body,you see the bright light,meet up with dead relatives and friends and away you go,making the odd return back to earth via a medium at a spiritualist church near you.....

if the price is right ;-)
Balti said:
Lucky Toma said:
Perfect example mate.

I've never met you. I have no idea what your name is, or where you live, or what kind of person you are, or what kind of life you've led.

But if I'm walking down Joe Mercer Way I instinctively recall you merely by word association.
And if, God forbid, anything ever happened to you and we were notified on here then any time I walked down there I'd think of you and remember you as a decent poster.
As legacies go this isnt much. However I'm a total stranger to you. Yet I will remember you fondly.
Just one tiny strand of the enormous intricate web you've made in this life.

Take into account siblings, parents, off-spring, teachers, school-friends, mates, work-mates, acquintances, friends of friends, people down the pub, people at the game who sit near you and nod when you verbally offer a well-thought out opinion of a lazy player......it adds up to thousands of people who every single one of us touches, and has an influence on in this life.

We are all kings. :) And when we are remembered...even if its something daft like peeling an orange and someone remarks that its a strange way of doing so and you say 'my grandad taught me to do it this way'.........we live on every day for many more years after our passing.

well said, in other peoples memories yes of course

but I think OP was hoping for something more tangible....another plane/sphere..

Great post Toma. But the key word above is in bold.
Lucky Toma said:
When you've gone you've gone. Nothing but dust and earth.

BUT you live on in the memories of those around you. And the things you did upon this mortal coil live on too. I dont believe in ghosts or angels or anything like that. But your 'soul' is the legacy you have left - the love you gave, the advice you imparted, the laughs you shared. All spread around many many different people from loved ones, friends, acquintances, and even strangers (for example a random act of kindness from years before) who will remember you with fondness and a smile.

Look at Big Mal. The happy memories he gaves thousands of Blues and many other supporters. The influence he had over training methods that have filtered down, both individually (for example Buzzer passing on a tip to Nicky in the back garden when he was a kid and now Nicky presumably passing on the same advice to his young uns) and collectively (how they are now implemented throughout football and aid countless footballers careers).
The above examples are merely from his professional life.

Its truly staggering how many footprints we leave upon this earth when we've gone. Far too numerous to even contemplate. Whether you're a successful person or a supposed failure. And thats what we become. We become what we've done.
Good post.
Too many live in the hope of something better in the next life. The truth is that those lives are wasted. This is it. It's not a rehearsal. You have just this life to do everything and be everything you can. Once you die you are gone. Nothing but your legacy remains so we should try to leave something worthwhile behind. If you're looking for a meaning to life then you're going to be disappointed. There is no meaning except that which we create. So create your own meaning and live it to the full.

GD, business lounge, Sanya Phoenix airport. Hainan island China .
why don't we just ask the bloke who has a fantastic medium to ask said medium to ask someone on the 'other side' what the craic is.

Personally i'm hoping for a very long sleep and am loooking forward to it.
stonerblue said:
why don't we just ask the bloke who has a fantastic medium to ask said medium to ask someone on the 'other side' what the craic is.

Personally i'm hoping for a very long sleep and am loooking forward to it.
that`s not how it happens,you will only get told to wait until it`s your time THEN you will find out what the craic is....but i can say it never ever rains on the other side.....:)
manimanc said:
stonerblue said:
why don't we just ask the bloke who has a fantastic medium to ask said medium to ask someone on the 'other side' what the craic is.

Personally i'm hoping for a very long sleep and am loooking forward to it.
that`s not how it happens,you will only get told to wait until it`s your time THEN you will find out what the craic is....but i can say it never ever rains on the other side.....:)

See, you've ruined it for me now. I hate it when people do that.

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