What has the UK become?

Bit optimistic expecting him to be radical when doing so puts him at risk of police harassment and imprisonment. Where as me and you have freedom of speech (in your case the freedom to be a malign ****).

Have you ever considered moving to China? You might find yourself at home in an authoritarian state that makes legal immigration very difficult and naturalisation impossible.
Do they have millions of chippys?
The Le Tissier grift

Bit optimistic expecting him to be radical when doing so puts him at risk of police harassment and imprisonment. Where as me and you have freedom of speech (in your case the freedom to be a malign ****).

Have you ever considered moving to China? You might find yourself at home in an authoritarian state that makes legal immigration very difficult and naturalisation impossible.
Or the risk of a ban on this forum, more likely.
I've already got a ban in the Israel and Gaza thread.LOL
No more!
It's a little bit tricky(i dont know if it's a proper word), everytime you see a chinese saying something "pro-ccp", you can say "it's because the censorship, if they don't say it like that, they are not allowed to be here".
I think you need to live here for more than 20years, you can understand the "culture" things. It's not the same culture when most people say "oh i love chinese culture". No, they don't even know what is chinese culture.
I travel to Germany and the Munich area a lot and I'd absolutely love to move there. The transport is great, efficient and cheap. The roads are well maintained and Munich airport is one of the nicest airports I've been to. The towns are beautiful, everybody cycles, there are nice restaurants and it's extremely relaxed.... You get the picture.

The biggest problem with the UK is it's extremely poorly regionalised. If you goto London then you see something that somewhat resembles the picture above but go elsewhere beyond the M25 and it can be almost 3rd world. The UK is actually a poor country but by statistics we're a rich country due to the concentration of wealth in the south. That doesn't mean everybody is rich in the south, it just means that's where our wealth as a country comes from.

To show the regionalisation problem, Manchester's GDP is £80bn which is absolute peanuts and less than 5% of total UK GDP but remember that Manchester is the 3rd biggest city in the UK! Manchester could be removed from the UK economy and it would make no difference. Pretty much every German city is doing far better than this, often double better.

However, look at London which has a GDP of over £700bn, this massively outpaces every European city by a huge margin. What we have in the UK is the most powerful city in the world whilst the rest of the country is far below average in comparison to the rest of Europe. This is pretty much why all of our infrastructure spend goes to London.

The rest of the country is built upon what came before, we have still have WW2 roads and railways but we don't have a WW2 era sized population... And we're drowning because of it.
I really don't know the answer to this - I've asked often - but if something is made in Manchester but the company Head Office is in London, where does the money get added to GDP?
I really don't know the answer to this - I've asked often - but if something is made in Manchester but the company Head Office is in London, where does the money get added to GDP?
The answer really is simple let's face it because what is actually made in Manchester? The city itself is mostly home to the regional offices of London based UK or foreign companies. Aside from that there's nothing really of note. Manufacturing still exists but it has grown so slowly that it is now dwarved by the services sectors.

If you compare this to Germany, Airbus has a big presence in Hamburg, BMW/Audi are huge in Bavaria, Frankfurt is second to London as a major financial centre in Europe. Berlin is also a massive tech centre. Where are these equivalents in the UK?

The north is generally just a poor vassel state which is living off life support supplied by the south.

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