What has the UK become?

Think the point is that servicemen who sacrificed their lives get one day whereas men who put their dicks up each others arses get a month
Whilst I definitely don't agree with your choice of words (being gay, and having to deal with all the intimidation/violence that they did), I do believe, yes, that the lives of those who died defending this country should be honoured for evermore. Above all.
In fact, I think the fact they have just "one day" is immensely poignant and far more impactful than any month thing.
Whilst I definitely don't agree with your choice of words (being gay, and having to deal with all the intimidation/violence that they did), I do believe, yes, that the lives of those who died defending this country should be honoured for evermore. Above all.
In fact, I think the fact they have just "one day" is immensely poignant and far more impactful than any month thing.
To be fair, that 'one day' is dragged out for not far off a month nowadays anyway. BBC presenters wear them from 23rd October to 14th November, which is a full three weeks. Premier League clubs will typically wear the poppy for any November games up to and including the 11th November.

Cookie Monster's touching tribute occured on 7th November.

To be fair, that 'one day' is dragged out for not far off a month nowadays anyway. BBC presenters wear them from 23rd October to 14th November, which is a full three weeks. Premier League clubs will typically wear the poppy for any November games up to and including the 11th Nov.
Whilst I think the one day of Remembrance is the better choice, is what you state wrong or uncomfortable?
And it is one day of marching etc isn't it? Not much to ask when you consider everything.
To be fair, that 'one day' is dragged out for not far off a month nowadays anyway. BBC presenters wear them from 23rd October to 14th November, which is a full three weeks. Premier League clubs will typically wear the poppy for any November games up to and including the 11th November.

Cookie Monster's touching tribute occured on 7th November.

And that's cringe worthy. However, it's not the choice of those whose brothers, husbands, fathers perished is it?
It's a modern day take (which is a bit shite) on something that was once quiet and reflective
And that's cringe worthy. However, it's not the choice of those whose brothers, husbands, fathers perished is it?
It's a modern day take (which is a bit shite) on something that was once quiet and reflective
This is sort of the issue though, isn't it? It's no longer about remembering the dead. It's increasingly a bit of tubthumping nationalism and an excuse to 'out' anyone who's not 'respectful' enough to wear a poppy that's been handed to them by a member of production or their football club. And that's how you end up in the ridiculous situation where a puppet is wearing a poppy. It's kind of interesting how new all of the poppy controversy actually is.

Of course none of this is the fault of people whose relatives are being commemorated, but I imagine they'd be the last people to try and one-up another movement about whose sacrifice was greater like the poster who I originally responded to.
Whilst I think the one day of Remembrance is the better choice, is what you state wrong or uncomfortable?
And it is one day of marching etc isn't it? Not much to ask when you consider everything.
Not necessarily. But this was a response to someone trying to use the sacrifice of those men to attack gay pride. And what could be more respectful and deferential than using their deaths to slag off another cause?
This is sort of the issue though, isn't it? It's no longer about remembering the dead. It's increasingly a bit of tubthumping nationalism and an excuse to 'out' anyone who's not 'respectful' enough to wear a poppy that's been handed to them by a member of production or their football club. And that's how you end up in the ridiculous situation where a puppet is wearing a poppy. It's kind of interesting how new all of the poppy controversy actually is.

Of course none of this is the fault of people whose relatives are being commemorated, but I imagine they'd be the last people to try and one-up another movement about whose sacrifice was greater like the poster who I originally responded to.
That's kind of the point though.
Everything now seems to be either one upmanship/virtue signalling and/or a way of "outing" those who don't toe the line. And, of course, some of these events have been hijacked to the point where it has exploded into something political/idealogocial

The original remembrance was a quiet and deep felt reflection, and I think we have lost something as a society by not adhering to that.
Of course, it's a very valid argument that the war dead were/are also policitised etc but there's a difference.....they gave up their lives for what they saw as a just cause. Whether we agree or disagree now (with the benefit of lots of hindsight) is moot. They died. So yes, at the risk of getting loads of shite, I think the poster was correct.
Of course, it's a very valid argument that the war dead were/are also policitised etc but there's a difference.....they gave up their lives for what they saw as a just cause. Whether we agree or disagree now (with the benefit of lots of hindsight) is moot. They died. So yes, at the risk of getting loads of shite, I think the poster was correct.

He wasn't. He was just being a ****. Some of the first victims of the Nazis were homosexuals.
He wasn't. He was just being a ****. Some of the first victims of the Nazis were homosexuals.
I know about Nazi history.
However, I'm just not sure about how you know the poster's motivation.
Why does anything anyone says now leap to "Nazi!!"

Maybe you know more about the posters history on this forum, but I took it at face value.

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