What is the Most Embarrasing thing you have done/said


Well-Known Member
24 Dec 2005
Well me must all have made a Howler or two in our time .Missing Flights & Getting on wrong trains are some of mine least embarrasing ones
I was in a pub in Hulme and was carrying two drinks from the bar and had to pass two stunning girls who were sat at a table ..... i didn't see a step in the split level carpeted pub floor due to me smiling at the girls as i walked past them , and i promptly tripped over it and threw the drinks over the girls ...... they weren't too happy , and called me a few choice names ........ i can laugh about it now because it was a long time ago , but at the time boy was it was fuckin' embarrassing!

Still , at least i made an impression on them!

Maybe this should be on 'off topic' though cyberblue.
Was a catering steward on the trains, remember once a work mate got sacked for over charging a mystery shopper. Anyway couple of days later having gone through the train a bloke comes to me and asks for a drink and sandwich and a chocolate bar. My calculator wouldn't work so I got out a napkin and worked it out on there the guy asked me why had I bothered making so sure I replied "a muppet of a mate over charged someone who turned out to be a company employee so he got the boot"

You can see where I am going yes it was the same guy I had been mystery shopped scored 100% but he did include what I said in his report he found it funny but my boss didn't! Turns out he lets the staff go through the train with the trolley to assess them doing that then makes his purchase a bit later.
Turned up to watch Frankie Boyle at the Apollo in October this year. Tickets in hand, babysitter booked and a few bevies. Got to the Apollo and it was all in darkness, it wasnt until October 2010!

In my defence, who sends out tickets over 12 months in advance?
Visiting top floor in arndale centre manchester building think it was about 17 floors.
floor one-get in lift
floor two-pregnant lady in lift out of breath-i asked if she was okay she nodded,i then went on to say i bet its murder for someone in your condition in this weather i bet you will be glad when its born wont you?
She growled at me and told me in choice words she wasnt pregnant!
floors 3-17 were pretty quiet..in fact it felt like someone had snuck an extra 20 floors in there somewhere!
Whilst on holiday I got off the sunlounger to go for a dip in the pool.

Thinking I had swimming trunks on under my shorts I dropped my shorts and u guessed it didnt have any trunks on!

"its alright, honestly" were the words that followed my premature ejaculation, lying cow...
I remember I was at a dinner one night with a famous person who was a recovering alcoholic. I met him at the dinner, all very nice and the rest of it.

Then the next day I saw him at a game. I took one look at him and said "f**k me mate, you must have had a few last night, you look rough as f**k"

To which he replied "Errrr, I umm, didn't drink, I don't drink".

Whoops. My bad.

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