what medication are you on?

I have one of those pre pay cards and also repeat prescriptions - just ring pharmacy every 4 weeks few days before I run out of tablets
Gaylord du Bois said:
Feed-The-Goat said:
Gaylord du Bois said:
If you can stretch to annualy its even cheaper mate.

Toby,you can take paracetamol(8 a day) and ibuprofen (6a day)together. Keep up that dosage for effective pain management.
Apparently paracetamol is one of the most if not the most effective painkillers available.

I heard it's around £100 isn't it? With the amount of stuff i have it should last me around 3 months and then its on repeat. I'll have to see how i get on with it first, the 3 month pass does seem the most cost effective at the moment.
I think the options are 3,6,&12 months. Either way you'll be saving a packet by the sounds of it.
Are you aware that you can get your GP to write an annual prescription that you can leave with your local chemist rather than keep going for repeats? Saves a lot of ball ache as you can just walk in and get it prepped straight off.

I didn't know that mate, he just gave me a repeat form and said give it 48 hours to collect, or ever put the repeat in online. Im going chemist tomorrow to pick everything up so i'll have a word with them, it does save alot of time which im struggling with at the moment.
Amitriptyline (back surgery)
Ramipril (blood pressure)
Benzofluericide (blood pressure)
Amalopidine (Blood pressure)
Nexium (Barrets Esophagus)
Aspirin (Thins the blood)
Co Codomol (back pain)

Watching City doesn't help the blood pressure situation I can tell you!!
Prozac against a pretty bad health anxiety

Of course I want to list the meds I think I'm going to start to take
sooner or later because of the illnesses I'm sure I'm about to get... :P

Kind of wacked to worry so much about health being only 24, especially when given reassurence on reassurence by multiple doctors of being very healthy... Uhm, physically that is.
Mr Ed (The Stables) said:
Amitriptyline (back surgery)
Ramipril (blood pressure)
Benzofluericide (blood pressure)
Amalopidine (Blood pressure)
Nexium (Barrets Esophagus)
Aspirin (Thins the blood)
Co Codomol (back pain)

Watching City doesn't help the blood pressure situation I can tell you!!

I've just come off a 24 hr blood pressure monitor, I as getting 145-150 in the doctors then mainly 160's some 170's and a few 180/190's depending on what i'm doing and hey presto the day after I had it taken off the doctors rung to book me in for an appointment !

Shitting it a bit tbh, is it normal to be on more than 1 blood pressure tablet? I thought they might just bung me on asprin.

All this after I went in after turning 40 and said give me an MOT.
Prostate fine, cholesterol at the higher end of ok but blood pressure a bit high.
toby said:
guinnessdaze said:
Gaylord du Bois said:
Jesus H Christ! The cellar appears to be single handedly draining the NHS.
That's why i'm too frightened to post my meds :(

Oh go on
I don't take anything

Ciclesonide 160micrograms
Salmeterol 25 micro'
Ventolin 100 micro'
Tiotropium bromide 18 micro'
Fexofenadine 180mg
Omeprazole 20mg
Venlafaxine 75mg
Meloxicam 15mg
All prescription drugs...other are not listed :)

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