What things do you remember from Maine Road?

Half and half kippax city one side united the other in the sixties seventies, scarey times but exciting the fixture everybody waited for?
Having to queue for ages to go to the toilet, especially in the old kippax in the little concrete toilets, even the ladies stank and got flooded - nice. Still love Maine Road though, loads of memories.
Going through the old narrow turnstiles as a under 14 even though I was 18, then up to the top of the old kippax on the steps. I would then look at the Manchester skyline from the lofty position and then look at the glorious empty (would always go in quite early) kippax and the green pitch. Even on a hot sunny day it was always cold and dark under that roof, but I would love to have them feelings again - it was old compared to today's standards but I loved it.....
BigG said:
Going through the old narrow turnstiles as a under 14 even though I was 18, then up to the top of the old kippax on the steps. I would then look at the Manchester skyline from the lofty position and then look at the glorious empty (would always go in quite early) kippax and the green pitch. Even on a hot sunny day it was always cold and dark under that roof, but I would love to have them feelings again - it was old compared to today's standards but I loved it.....
Seeing the pitch and ground empty then slowly fill up was great.
Getting there Saturday 2-o-clock,stinking hangover,feeling sick,ordering a burger at the wheely tin can."You want ketchup mate",looking up seeing the no.11 on the guys top lip,errrrrrr,
Changed my mind chief.
Ah, what great memories, I can emphasise with them all.

For me, running down Number 1 passage just before kick and hearing the Kippax singing. The anticipation was incredible.

Good times at Maine Road, good times.....
Went there from the ages of 4 to 9 until I moved to Scotland in 1999 (finally back next month).

Dad would park on the Curry Mile and I'd have some chips from Abdul's before we went to the ground. Picturing those red brick houses and seeing Maine Road appear is hugely nostalgic for me!

Sat on the halfway line in the Kippax, a few rows up and I used to go down to side of the pitch sometimes and watch from the bottom of the steps. Where my love for City all started!
The odd match in Gene Kelly in the rain stamping our feet till it felt like it was going to come down was always quite fun.
The atmosphere used to stream down to the pitch from the stands, even the Main Stand.
Standing on the Kippax just couldn't be beaten.
Huge thing and the noise it created, in particular pre Hillsborough before capacity was reduced from 32000 to 18000 was just awsome.
I remember, aged 11 years old in the mid 1970's being stood at the top of the tunnel by the away fans, City scored and I ended up at the front of the stand.
Mad it was.
The Kippax, the atmosphere, the buzz of attending the match, the trouble, the shit pitch, dodging bricks and bottles coming over the wall at the back of the Kippax, the dog shit in the alley ways, the crush between the kippax car park and the North Stand at the end of the game, the 53 bus and the walk to and from the bus stop near the old Princess Pub, that's what will stay with me......!

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