What UEFA Coach attack Investigation?

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We still banging on about this? When are the candles coming out?

Who’s going to make the banners?:




If it had been the other way around, there would have been a service for the coach in one of Liverpool's Cathedrals.

A minute's silence would also have been held before the Liverpool v City match.
I like it where the poster said he bets a few players would’ve cacked their pants. Really?! A few bottles hitting a bus?
Our away coach had worse than this at Bramhall Lane one year. Not some hi tech, well built machine like City travel in. A rickety old piece of shit 80’s thing. We all laughed. Nobody cacked it. I’d hazard a guess our players, the South Americans in particular, were just ‘meh’.
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It happens all over. As you say in South America it will be part of every single game and a number of our team are South American. As if they were arsed.

Bernardo Silva got off the coach at Anfield and took a picture of the cracked door with a smile on his face.
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It happens all over. As you say in South America it will be part of every single game and a number of our team are South American. As if they were arsed.

Bernardo Silva got off the coach at Anfield and took a picture of the cracked door with a smile on his face.

Well Bernardo Silva needs to be more selectively offended the absolute hard bastard!
There are an increasing amount of fans of ours who have adopted the candle burning mentality they mock Liverpool about. Offended by absolutely everything.
I know a few posters don’t like me saying this but we once used to be the coolest, calmest, thickest skinned fans in the country. Offended by nowt, hard lined, water of a duck’s back mentality.

You see and hear the shit our fans come out with these days about the media, the refs, the governing organisations, and this bus shit... we appear to have looked at Arsenal fans and said “we must be like them”... many in our fan base have become a bunch of soft, thin skinned, offended by everything, paranoid about corruption in everything set of fans.

It’s sad to see! It’s a shame to see!

I mean don’t get me wrong, I boo the UEFA anthem because they turn a blind eye to racism and moved the goal posts when they fined us for FFPR. So I’m not completely cold to everything. But then you have fans who are always saying “please don’t boo, it paints us in a bad light, UEFA won’t like us booing” it cements further that many of us are on a different plane of softness when it comes to how they support the club.

One thing we must do as a set of fans is toughen the fuck up. We’ve become far too soft.
I know a few posters don’t like me saying this but we once used to be the coolest, calmest, thickest skinned fans in the country. Offended by nowt, hard lined, water of a duck’s back mentality.

You see and hear the shit our fans come out with these days about the media, the refs, the governing organisations, and this bus shit... we appear to have looked at Arsenal fans and said “we must be like them”... many in our fan base have become a bunch of soft, thin skinned, offended by everything, paranoid about corruption in everything set of fans.

It’s sad to see! It’s a shame to see!

I mean don’t get me wrong, I boo the UEFA anthem because they turn a blind eye to racism and moved the goal posts when they fined us for FFPR. So I’m not completely cold to everything. But then you have fans who are always saying “please don’t boo, it paints us in a bad light, UEFA won’t like us booing” it cements further that many of us are on a different plane of softness when it comes to how they support the club.

One thing we must do as a set of fans is toughen the fuck up. We’ve become far too soft.
No coincidence it’s started since we became relevant in terms of competing. I’ve believed for a long time that those particular fans have looked at how the successful clubs fans behave and copied it exactly. Conspiracies, being hated, being cheated by refs, being hated by opposition fans, the media etc etc... all traits displayed by fans if those successful clubs before we joined the party. What is piss poor, absolutely piss poor is their belief we are different. We, or I should say they, aren’t. It must be a go to mentality for fans of that ilk, regardless if the actual club they support.
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It happens all over. As you say in South America it will be part of every single game and a number of our team are South American. As if they were arsed.

Bernardo Silva got off the coach at Anfield and took a picture of the cracked door with a smile on his face.

Said at the time that all our players will have had headphones on anyway - can you imagnie Leroy without his?
All the coach 'attack' did was give us an excuse for that utterly abject 1st leg performance.
In a battle of wits, one or two on here seem to be unarmed. The coach was attacked, quite a few missiles and flares were thrown. The fine might just have covered the damage caused. Shattered glass windows can cause serious damage to your health ie your eyesight. Anyone suggesting otherwise is an idiot. Some of the players wouldn't have batted an eyelid, whilst one or two would have cacked themselves. For the ones that were affected, they would have carried it into the game and onto the pitch to some degree. Pep's reaction to the event was not what you would called restrained when he got off the coach was it? In any event the incident was piss poor, the crowd was incited by their manager and club media sites and the police acted negligently before and after. Most football fans would think this had an impact on the game, players will say it didn't because they don't want to succumb to intimidation. The event has highlighted the bias that exists in UEFA and Merseyside police. Fully understand the police bias after Hillsborough, but can't understand UEFA bias towards Liverpool after Heysel - unless it was trumped by bias against City. I suspect Liverpool realise they were lucky to get away with it and they won't want it repeated. It they stop it happening again it shows they could have stopped it last season, kinda supports the argument that it has an effect on the opposition
I don’t think Liverpool or the Merseyside Police did get away with it though.

The Liverpool fans’ actions and the poor Policing of it came and bit them on their arse when it happened again in the next round against Roma. When the Police were standing with the Liverpool fans as they attacked the Roma coach, many of which stood on top of Police vans... Roma fans were walking around the other side of Anfield for an hour beating the shit out of Liverpool fans. The Police couldn’t get around to the other side of the ground because they were helping, I mean Policing, the coach attack and their vans couldn’t get out that area due to dozens standing on top of them, while the Roma fans hit one Liverpool fan so hard he was in a coma for months.

Had the Liverpool fans and Merseyside Police not acted together in making their bus greeting an event, that incident probably would not have happened. The man could have died and it would have been the fault of the Liverpool fans and Merseyside Police. It was a cummupance those fans and that Policeforce should learn a lesson from.
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