What UEFA Coach attack Investigation?

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I don't share your subjective analysis. I believe the fact that soldiers have volunteered to put themselves in harm's way doesn't make them any less worthy of my admiration and respect.

At no stage have I said I lack their admiration and respect.

They are trained to cope with such situations whereas our players aren’t.
I don’t think Liverpool or the Merseyside Police did get away with it though.

The Liverpool fans’ actions and the poor Policing of it came and bit them on their arse when it happened again in the next round against Roma. When the Police were standing with the Liverpool fans as they attacked the Roma coach, many of which stood on top of Police vans... Roma fans were walking around the other side of Anfield for an hour beating the shit out of Liverpool fans. The Police couldn’t get around to the other side of the ground because they were helping, I mean Policing, the coach attack and their vans couldn’t get out that area due to dozens standing on top of them, while the Roma fans hit one Liverpool fan so hard he was in a coma for months.

Had the Liverpool fans and Merseyside Police not acted together in making their bus greeting an event, that incident probably would not have happened. The man could have died and it would have been the fault of the Liverpool fans and Merseyside Police. It was a cummupance those fans and that Policeforce should learn a lesson from.

But they won't because they accept no responsibility for what happened with the fan ending up in a coma, that's where the frustration lies.
No coincidence it’s started since we became relevant in terms of competing. I’ve believed for a long time that those particular fans have looked at how the successful clubs fans behave and copied it exactly. Conspiracies, being hated, being cheated by refs, being hated by opposition fans, the media etc etc... all traits displayed by fans if those successful clubs before we joined the party. What is piss poor, absolutely piss poor is their belief we are different. We, or I should say they, aren’t. It must be a go to mentality for fans of that ilk, regardless if the actual club they support.

Fuckin he'll, can you write a few positive sentences at some point in your life. ?
If you mention the coach attack on any of the BBC Sport comments sections they remove your comment for breaking their CofC , made three articulate references pointing out the lack of action or arrests regarding the incident and they all got binned , it s a bloody stitch up , i tell yer.
Get some perspective.

I understand your offence at what happened, because it was egregiously disrespectful - but there was never any realistic danger of anyone coming to any significant harm. Lads who are younger than their early twenties face far worse fear and danger on a daily basis 'defending' this country . They are the real heroes.

And no need to be abusive. This is the internet. We are presently in separate locations so you can't physically attack me and I'm considerably smarter than you. What do you think the outcome of any skirmish is going to be? Choose your battles.

Having had experience of the coach / bus business as an owner fleet operator , the fact that lit flares were going under the coach this would cause a risk of a fuelline igniting so i would say the players and staff on the team bus were put in danger because of the lack of action from the Merseyside Police , but i agree with your comment it was a show of disrespect that angers our support . Despite several communications with Merseyside Police and their joke Freedom of Information dept, this incident is just being swept under the carpet, Merseyside Police havent got the balls to take on any wrong doings the Dippers feral supporters have or will do in the future , because of a previous Police investigation from 30 years ago , its never Liverpool supporters fault.
It’ll be tough for them if they draw us again, because the desperation to show off what they perceive to be their unique European pedigree (that’s 1 European Cup in 35 years to the rest of us), and particularly against a bunch of arrivistes like City, via puerile traditions such as mobbing the away coach like a bunch of Galatasaray wannabes, will be all consuming. Remember, they are a club devoid of irony and filled with self-reverence. All their songs are about their “specialness” and their past glories - self deprecation in the form of “we never win at home and we never win away” type ditties, is conspicuous by its complete absence - and I think if afforded the chance to play the European “royalty” card again, they’ll be unable to resist another spot of bottle throwing
I very much agree - they will not be able to resist the opportunity to (re)-educate us on what European football is all about.

The club will play lip-service to it in my opinion.......
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