What's the biggest football rivalry in England? your top 3

mcfcliam said:
Liverpool vs United is just media hype.

Millwall vs West Ham? Just because of one night?

vs Villa is just like ours...2 teams, 1 city, good banter outside of it, pure hatred during it.

All derbies are 'tasty' in their own way though.

-- Sat Jun 25, 2011 1:32 pm --

Pigeonho said:
standupefc said:
I don't know why people seem to think our derby is that different from yours. If anything when they are incidents at our their far more serous than most in the country. An 18 year old Liverpool fan was beaten to death in the weeks up to the game outside a club after Everton and Liverpool fans fought. A man nearly had his throat slit when a group of supporters attacked a pub. Another fans was stabbed on when he was walking to the game. So that's 1 murder and 2 nearly fatal stabbings. Unfortunately our derby is not freindly anymore. No derby is freindly. Every major derby in football is a hateful derby. I'd say the Merseyside derby is fast becoming 1 of the most vicious derbies in football sadly. The biggest derby is Newcastle v Sunderland in England. As it's a mutual hatred.
This kind of goes with my theory that the more successful one club is than it's main rival, the less rivalry there is. You, like us, have had to watch your neighbour win all sorts for years, compete in the champs league an sign quality players. When its like that there is no rivalry in a sense, other than the 2 times you play each other. There is obviously rivalry, but it can't be as intense because the 'lesser' club simply can't have any bragging rights, other than a derby win. The 2 Sheffield clubs are a good example. Absolute horrid derby that, and I put that down to the fact they are competing on the same level, (when in the same league that is!), and the only thing that can make them top dog is that derby win. What we have had towards United is jealousy, and that is different to rivalry, (all in my opinion of course). The more successful we become though, the more that rivalry will intensify and our rivalry will be up there with the best of them. Imagine 2 clubs the size of City and United constantly out doing each other in the trophy stakes? That is serious rivalry. In your case, unless Liverpool buck their ideas up you will be competing only for that derby win or a place in the top 4, (with due respect).


Sorry Pidge, I've defended you a lot on here when it comes to 'them' but this time, you are well and truly talking out of your arse.

If you're brought up to hate a team (United in this case), then you hate them, no matter if they've won everything or fuck all, you hate them because they're there.

If we're talking about local derby, I'd say City vs United is up there in the top 3 at least and most certainly will be the most hateful derby in the country in years to come, without doubt.

If we're talking about football rivalry and trophies but not local hatred, I'd say it's Liverpool vs United, but it's nowhere near the most hateful, imo, it's by far the most competitive though, as they're two of the most successful clubs in the country.
I can only go off what I see, and that, (not talking about Bluemoon), is bitterness towards them because of their success. Bitterness can also be described as jealousy. Put it this way, as they lifted their CL's and their PL titles, have you never once thought, 'fuck I wish that was us'? I have, I have wished it was our club having that success. That's jealousy. When I said jealousy is different to rivalry, that is the point I was making because whether we beat them once a season or not, they always end up with trophies so in effect, there is no actual rivalry going on because we haven't been regarded as a rival. That is why United see Liverpool as their main rival, however in my opinion that has dwindled now the 19th title has been won. I genuinely believe that from next season onwards if we can secure another trophy, even 'just' the LC, we will start to see a change in United's fans' attitude and we will become their main rival. I say bring it the fuck on too, 2 teams from the same City challenging each other for the main titles not just domestically, but continentally too? Awesome.
standupefc said:
I don't know why people seem to think our derby is that different from yours. If anything when they are incidents at our games their far more serous than most in the country. An 18 year old Liverpool fan was beaten to death in the weeks up to the game outside a club after Everton and Liverpool fans fought. A man nearly had his throat slit when a group of supporters attacked a pub. Another fans was stabbed on when he was walking to the game. So that's 1 murder and 2 nearly fatal stabbings. Unfortunately our derby is not freindly anymore. No derby is freindly. Every major derby in football is a hateful derby. I'd say the Merseyside derby is fast becoming 1 of the most vicious derbies in football sadly. The biggest derby is Newcastle v Sunderland in England. As it's a mutual hatred.
I would agree with this, some of my mates are everton fans, they tell me that in the last few years, games are played in a hatefull atmosphere, with many clashes outside the grounds.
Well I fucking hate utd and will to the day I die, I hate having them as friends and would gladly boot the jaw off most of them mib scum.
Pigeonho said:
mcfcliam said:
Liverpool vs United is just media hype.

Millwall vs West Ham? Just because of one night?

vs Villa is just like ours...2 teams, 1 city, good banter outside of it, pure hatred during it.

All derbies are 'tasty' in their own way though.

-- Sat Jun 25, 2011 1:32 pm --

Pigeonho said:
This kind of goes with my theory that the more successful one club is than it's main rival, the less rivalry there is. You, like us, have had to watch your neighbour win all sorts for years, compete in the champs league an sign quality players. When its like that there is no rivalry in a sense, other than the 2 times you play each other. There is obviously rivalry, but it can't be as intense because the 'lesser' club simply can't have any bragging rights, other than a derby win. The 2 Sheffield clubs are a good example. Absolute horrid derby that, and I put that down to the fact they are competing on the same level, (when in the same league that is!), and the only thing that can make them top dog is that derby win. What we have had towards United is jealousy, and that is different to rivalry, (all in my opinion of course). The more successful we become though, the more that rivalry will intensify and our rivalry will be up there with the best of them. Imagine 2 clubs the size of City and United constantly out doing each other in the trophy stakes? That is serious rivalry. In your case, unless Liverpool buck their ideas up you will be competing only for that derby win or a place in the top 4, (with due respect).


Sorry Pidge, I've defended you a lot on here when it comes to 'them' but this time, you are well and truly talking out of your arse.

If you're brought up to hate a team (United in this case), then you hate them, no matter if they've won everything or fuck all, you hate them because they're there.

If we're talking about local derby, I'd say City vs United is up there in the top 3 at least and most certainly will be the most hateful derby in the country in years to come, without doubt.

If we're talking about football rivalry and trophies but not local hatred, I'd say it's Liverpool vs United, but it's nowhere near the most hateful, imo, it's by far the most competitive though, as they're two of the most successful clubs in the country.
I can only go off what I see, and that, (not talking about Bluemoon), is bitterness towards them because of their success. Bitterness can also be described as jealousy. Put it this way, as they lifted their CL's and their PL titles, have you never once thought, 'fuck I wish that was us'? I have, I have wished it was our club having that success. That's jealousy. When I said jealousy is different to rivalry, that is the point I was making because whether we beat them once a season or not, they always end up with trophies so in effect, there is no actual rivalry going on because we haven't been regarded as a rival. That is why United see Liverpool as their main rival, however in my opinion that has dwindled now the 19th title has been won. I genuinely believe that from next season onwards if we can secure another trophy, even 'just' the LC, we will start to see a change in United's fans' attitude and we will become their main rival. I say bring it the fuck on too, 2 teams from the same City challenging each other for the main titles not just domestically, but continentally too? Awesome.

We are their main rival...to the Manchester based United fans anyway.

It's not about what you've won, it's about local pride...added in with the shit we've had from them for years in school, work etc. I'd say we look forward to the game more than they do, just so we can get one over them, but it's by no means jealously, it's just all the anger built up from getting shit from the arrogant cunts what we can let out at the match.

The OOT United fans who latch onto sky's hype of the Liverpool vs United game believe it's the bigger game...they judge this without actually going to either game.
Pidge just said most of us hate utd because we are jealous? Are you for fucking real? lol I hate them because of who they are not what they won!
mcfcliam said:
Pigeonho said:
mcfcliam said:
Liverpool vs United is just media hype.

Millwall vs West Ham? Just because of one night?

vs Villa is just like ours...2 teams, 1 city, good banter outside of it, pure hatred during it.

All derbies are 'tasty' in their own way though.

-- Sat Jun 25, 2011 1:32 pm --


Sorry Pidge, I've defended you a lot on here when it comes to 'them' but this time, you are well and truly talking out of your arse.

If you're brought up to hate a team (United in this case), then you hate them, no matter if they've won everything or fuck all, you hate them because they're there.

If we're talking about local derby, I'd say City vs United is up there in the top 3 at least and most certainly will be the most hateful derby in the country in years to come, without doubt.

If we're talking about football rivalry and trophies but not local hatred, I'd say it's Liverpool vs United, but it's nowhere near the most hateful, imo, it's by far the most competitive though, as they're two of the most successful clubs in the country.
I can only go off what I see, and that, (not talking about ), is bitterness towards them because of their success. Bitterness can also be described as jealousy. Put it this way, as they lifted their CL's and their PL titles, have you never once thought, 'fuck I wish that was us'? I have, I have wished it was our club having that success. That's jealousy. When I said jealousy is different to rivalry, that is the point I was making because whether we beat them once a season or not, they always end up with trophies so in effect, there is no actual rivalry going on because we haven't been regarded as a rival. That is why United see Liverpool as their main rival, however in my opinion that has dwindled now the 19th title has been won. I genuinely believe that from next season onwards if we can secure another trophy, even 'just' the LC, we will start to see a change in United's fans' attitude and we will become their main rival. I say bring it the fuck on too, 2 teams from the same City challenging each other for the main titles not just domestically, but continentally too? Awesome.

We are their main rival...to the Manchester based United fans anyway.

It's not about what you've won, it's about local pride...added in with the shit we've had from them for years in school, work etc. I'd say we look forward to the game more than they do, just so we can get one over them, but it's by no means jealously, it's just all the anger built up from getting shit from the arrogant cunts what we can let out at the match.

The OOT United fans who latch onto sky's hype of the Liverpool vs United game believe it's the bigger game...they judge this without actually going to either game.
Well in 1993 I deemed a 1-1 draw as a good result, and made my point in school. Come the end of May that year when they won the title, I had nothing to shout about, absolutely zilch. Even if we had won that game it wouldn't have counted for anything in the end, because local pride would have gone out of the window as soon as that title was secure. Put it this way, say they beat us in both derbies next year but we win the league, who is top dog? Them because they beat their city rivals, or us because we can just turn round and say 'who cares, we've won the league you rag twat'? I know which one it is instantly. That's why I used the Sheffield clubs as another example, because the only thing that can determine top dog in the city is who beats the other team the most, because neither can turn round in the end and throw a trophy in the other ones face. United haven't been bothered about us for years. I know loads of rags, some who go home and away, some who go just to OT and some who don't go at all. The Liverpool home game is always the one that they look for and who those that don't go look to at least get out to a pub for. Thats because they have been desperate to beat them in the PL and CL title stakes, because Liverpool fans have always been able to say they have the most. Not anymore though, not with us now being a genuine threat. Nest season if we win another trophy and finish above them, (which will mean we will have won the league in my view), it will absolutely change to us being their main rivals, because they will have us being able to wave trophies in their eyes on a regular basis.
The problem with derbies is that there are so many flashpoints where fans can clash. For example Liverpool fans rarely meet United fans. They see us all the time, so the incident before this years derby on the weekend before when Jay McAvey was killed was due to 2 set of fans clashing because of music. Both stabbings in the 2011 derby, are still unsolved. Trouble doesn't happen anymore at matches with the exception of big games. United V Leeds went off without any trouble. But the biggest problem is that un like let's say Newcastle v Sunderland where all the fans will be travelling 1 way meaning it's very easy to police. I don't have a clue how you could possibly police City v United or Birmingham v Villa.
Villa v Birmingham isn't that big a rivalry compared to some others in the thread. Sure there was that incident last year with the pitch invasion, but for a night time kick off when everyone is smashed and coked up, and Birmingham have more than their fair share of nutters. But living where I do I think outside of matchday the rivalry is considerably less than City and rags, Liverpool Everton, Arsenal Spurs, anyone and Leeds etc. I had plenty of Birmingham and Villa fans expressing their shock pre Champions League final that I'd want Barcelona to win, saying they'd always support the English/Midlands team, and I had one guy have a right go at me after the game when I had my Barcelona shirt on and a big grin on my mug, telling me I was a disgrace for not supporting the English team, and how he couldn't fathom how I could want the rags to lose.
Skashion said:
mcfcliam said:
Millwall vs West Ham? Just because of one night?

No mate, because of Green Street...

LOL! Millwall v West Ham is more than one night. It goes off regularly. Even when there isn't a fixture. They just seem to bump in to eachother.

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