What's the closest you have been to death?

There's been a couple

Car accident on the M62. The car flipped over a couple of times and landed on it's roof. I had a couple of broken bones for my troubles, was very lucky. If I was driving a smaller car I would have resembled an interesting looking pancake...

On another occasion I had suffered multiple stab wounds. The doctor at A&E said if the one on my thigh was an inch to the left I would bled out in less than a minute.

I now make a habit out of telling my nearest and dearest I love them as you never know when your allotted time may be up :)
Got Malaria in 1993 , I was in so much agony I didn't care if i died ,as long as i was unconscious.
Been inches away two times from being run over,both abroad, Acapulco and George Town,Penang Malasia .
Fell down a mountain in Scotland in winter. Crashed a motorbike at 70mph , survived but in hospital for a week or so, spun a car out on the M6 in traffic across all three lanes without hitting any other cars or wagons, went up an the embankment through trees, spun round and came to rest on the hard shoulder. Been shot at in Cyprus, luckily they missed! Caught heamoragic dengue fever in Thailand and was severely ill. Reacted badly to a drug in hospital and woke in resuss. Got stuck down a flooded cave in Ingleton with five others, we all thought we were going to drown. All a bit near miss. But still alive and kicking. :-)
The cave was by far the worst.
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