What's the closest you have been to death?

Stay in the UK mate is sounds safer for you :)
I was lucky I was coming home when my malaria started,wouldn't fancy being treated in an African hospital back in the 1990's . I thought I'd eaten summert,I didn't realise it could be malaria,I'd been taking 2 seperate anti malarials but still contracted it , what a fool I was .
Sucking a marble in the mouth aged three that then lodged in the windpipe. Mother put me over her knee and frantically slapped my back, then a passing neighbour did a Heimlich maneuver which finally dislodged the dobber. I do remember the incident well as I flapped kicked and thrutched for breath.

And finally as a eight year old performing in a duo of Maurice Revels Bolero on a frozen hillpond. A quarter the way out the ice went and we were left hanging to the edge for ten minutes until the Farmer came by in his Land Rover.

Wearing heavy boots and apperal it was so difficult to grip to the ices edge due to hands that were suitably numbed. Rope lassoed, and then taken home for a good o'l sixties thrashing ...WTF ?
I had a triple heart bypass 10 years ago, when I was being sedated apparently I had a allergic reaction to the drug they were using and the had to use a defibrillator to bring me back again, 2 days later City lost at home to Stoke, when my son came to see me in the evening and told me the score I said (jokingly) I wish they hadn’t brought me back.
Got lost on top of the Brecon Beacons - team of us got lost. the weather changed in a instant, couldn't see a thing, rain, freezing cold, clouds made it so dark to see - i slipped and nearly went down a sheer drop which would have killed me - we somehow made it back down and back to the cars - everyone was totally numb and in shock, no one spoke for hours.
Gareth Southgate would never have gotten himself in this situation, I tell thee.

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