What's the closest you have been to death?

Driving my car across a junction and hit by a bus square on to the drivers door. Can’t remember a thing about it as I had a head injury but I must have seen it moments before the collision because I had swung my legs into the passenger seat. Good job as the drivers footwell was completely crushed and my legs would have been gone if they had been in the normal position. Ambulance needed to cut me out. I was a lucky lucky lad.
I was tied to my bed and asked my Mrs to smother me with her breasts, couldn't breathe, genuinely thought this is it.

My uncles boyfriend accidentally killed himself in an act of self affixation whilst they were both pissed up, was a good man too bless him, we were only kids and got told he had a heart attack for obvious reasons! Got to be careful in the bedroom.
Driving my car across a junction and hit by a bus square on to the drivers door. Can’t remember a thing about it as I had a head injury but I must have seen it moments before the collision because I had swung my legs into the passenger seat. Good job as the drivers footwell was completely crushed and my legs would have been gone if they had been in the normal position. Ambulance needed to cut me out. I was a lucky lucky lad.

The car accident that disabled me , i had multiple injuries and my heart stopped , been dead for a few mins , sad to say there was no light or angels
I wasn’t going to post until I read your two posts.
I’m still not sure if my episode equates to the trouble you have endured.
A year ago in July in the early hours of the morning having gotten off the ferry at Holyhead and driven across North Wales, I crashed the car heading south on the M6.
I was doing the full 70mph and hit the median in the centre of the motorway having, for all intents and purposes, blacked out.
I came around to my wife in the passenger seat screaming at me and me then struggling to straighten the car scraping along the motorway divide.
We were blessed that there was not much on the road at that hour in the morning.
We both exited the vehicle unharmed. My wife was pretty shook. I was inexplicably dead calm.
The car was towed and we were left high and dry at a roadside service station wondering, what do we do now?

The truth is, I could have killed us both.
I had a couple more blackouts up until December and have been tested for everything since. A couple of MRI’s, ECG’s EEG’s, echo’s, haven’t a clue what they call some of the tests. Latest one was a Sleep Apnea test.

The good news is I’m as fit as a fiddle. Nothing physically wrong with me.
But like I said to the last expert, so we’re back to the question I asked at the start of all of this; why am I not sleeping?
You can’t self diagnose, but I maintained all along it is sleep deprivation. What was stressing me so much last year? Well that’s the real story. Unfortunately until we all agree on that (meaning the whole family) then it won’t be properly addressed.
We’re getting there though.

Like I said. Don’t know if it qualifies for the thread, but I basically could have killed both of us. Both of us walked away without a scratch.

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