What's the closest you have been to death?

I had a burst appendix about 5 years ago and the surgeons failed to do a clean job, so I developed sepsis ...good job I was already in the hospital. Wasn't nice.
I fell in the river Irwell at 5 am the day after finding out my missus was preggers with our first child in 1994. Alcohol. I haven't a clue how I got out.
My son is now living in Cheshire, working in mental health, and his missus is about to give birth. My first grandchild. I don't drink these days, but I still fall in the Irwell ;)
Jesus fucking Christ, sound like a horror story mate. Hopefully you will be telling that story in decades time and well done you for surviving that shit storm.

Thanks mate, 20 years later and I am still here to tell it. It was torture really, certainly gives you an interesting sense of perspective.

I would say weirdly there are some upsides. I can also compartmentalise my health troubles better than most, there’s like a box in my brain that I put them all in and forget they exist. Nothing anybody can do to me will ever phase me - you could tell me I’m having my leg cut off next week and I’d be like “Ah, that sounds inconvenient” (maybe a bit of an exaggeration but you get my point).
Fell asleep at 3.00am on the M62 driving my Renault Clio home after work. Woke up hitting the wires in the central reservation. I could have killed myself and others but lucky no one was hurt. I had flash backs for months after. I didn’t even feel tired while driving.
I had a medical condition that I was unaware of, after becoming increasingly unwell for several days I was in so much pain that I got myself to the hospital, I was told that had I left it for another 24 hours it would be highly likely that I wouldn't have made it.

That said, there was no way I could have coped with the pain for another 24 hours.
Went to Jazbo Browns in Bury on a Sunday night after going Sequins the night before ( no kip ) , I drove like a dickhead in the rain , went through a roundabout and missed the sharp diversion sign by inches , got out alive but the car was fucked , them days where mental something happened most weekends
25/05/1982. 18 year old radar operator in the operations room aboard HMS Coventry. Attacked by Argentine A4 Skyhawks. 3 500 pound bombs entered the ship. 2 very close to my position. 1 exploded beneath the Ops room destroying it causing fire to engulf it. The second bomb failed to explode. If it had, good night me. 19 of the ships company killed in the attack. Ship sank within 40 mins.
Photos of the attack taken from the ship with us.
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