What's the problem(s)?

Without putting too finer point on it. We are slow and boring
Just watching the women and it's the same old same old. If yer didn't know any better yer'd think that the City women thought that string ten aimless passes together and yer get a goal. But we only seem to get to pass seven and the fuckin' ball is passed into no-women's-land. I bet there's a shrine in the City changing room to the God Possession. We have the lion's share of the game and then become a sitting duck for the only chance these women opposition teams can muster! And when a pass is on for chance at goal we have a fuckin' shot that leaves yer thinkin' "Pass the fuckin' thing!'
Just watching the women and it's the same old same old. If yer didn't know any better yer'd think that the City women thought that string ten aimless passes together and yer get a goal. But we only seem to get to pass seven and the fuckin' ball is passed into no-women's-land. I bet there's a shrine in the City changing room to the God Possession. We have the lion's share of the game and then become a sitting duck for the only chance these women opposition teams can muster! And when a pass is on for chance at goal we have a fuckin' shot that leaves yer thinkin' "Pass the fuckin' thing!'
Sterling has mastered it, get too close to the goal, have time to think about it and neither pass nor shoot, just try an keep turning live travis in 1999 and just as annoying.
We start getting excited because Sterling scored 30 goals in all comps last season. We should all, and so should he, be extremely disappointed with that!

I think I know what your trying to say and agree with some/most of it but bloody hell, you can’t blame a winger who scored 30 plus goals a season. This lads get criticised whatever he does
I’m criticising all of them. Their finishing (and a lot of other final things to finish moves - crossing, passing, through balls etc.) is nowhere near good enough.

Sterling plays the most minutes and has the most chances in the team (which is why I focused more on him, but I did mention the others). A really top class player getting those chances hammers 40+ goals a season home for us with the amount we create.

This isn’t some 90s or 00s Prem team who used to score 80 goals a season, where a player getting 30 goals in all comps looks impressive. This is a team creating more chances than any team ever in English football and as many as the team that created the most ever in football (Valinova’s Barça).

None of them are ruthless enough up top for us (other than Agüero, even he misses chances but he’s a deadly finisher most of the time, just spent too much of his career injured).

While he scores a fair few goals, I’ll tell you what, the one man I wouldn’t want the big final chance of the season to win the Prem or win the Champions League final to fall to would be Sterling.
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Stats wise our defensive record isn’t even that bad. 17/18 27 goals conceded in PL. 18/19 was 23 and last season 35. Yet our defence does seem to be our main issues of concern. I’d like to see stats on how many goals we’ve conceded from first shots on target and player mistakes
Sterling is not an out and out striker. He's a wide forward and damned good at what he does. Cutting in.
As I write West Ham are beating Leicester who in turn put 5 past us.
thats how bad we have become !
Stats wise our defensive record isn’t even that bad. 17/18 27 goals conceded in PL. 18/19 was 23 and last season 35. Yet our defence does seem to be our main issues of concern. I’d like to see stats on how many goals we’ve conceded from first shots on target and player mistakes
Our defence and our defenders are not the problem. I’ve been saying it for 12 months.

A trend started emerging with our forwards about a year ago and it’s become a very very bad habit which you see often from us now...

We start brightly and work a few good moves that get us into some great positions. We might put one of them away but we either fluff a few final balls that would lead to a chance or we miss a few easy chances. They start getting frustrated and either start dribbling down blind alleys because they aren’t relaxed or they start checking back and passing backwards because they lose confidence. Or they start giving the ball away or getting caught in possession because they take too many touches and then not working hard to win it back because they’re both frustrated and lost confidence.

Then the opposition start getting into the game and they can get past Rodri or Gundo or both in midfield because they are slow and it leaves our defenders having to defend running back to their own goal from high up, or isolated on their own too much.

Half of this is down the the forwards’ ability or lack of it; half of it is attitude. They give up too easily. They miss a few chances and their mindset changes. Instead of staying focused and calm they start to fold and divert from the gameplan.

Our defenders will then get shown up and everyone talks about how we need a new centre half, a new left back, another new centre half, a new right back, another new centre half and a new ’keeper... and the forwards and slow midfield barely get a mention and are let off with being the root cause of all our problems!

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