What's up with Sturridge?

Well clearly Liverpool are fed up with him stealing a living and are trying to offload him.
It's certainly an odd situation. With the advancement of medical knowledge and the technology available to us all in the 21st Century, how the fuck can a professional athlete suffer so many injuries?

Diet has a huge impact on the strength of your body and it's recovery time, something that seems taboo with as lot of people.
At first I thought it was the dipper drip feeding the media to get rid, now listening to talkshite big him up on drive with very little bites makes me think it's his PR team.
The reason he gets so many injuries is because his legs can't support his big head.
I was ok at football only ok . Got in the school team now and again and whilst I wasn't great I gave it everything . I walked on gilded splinters to play . I had septic knee when I was kid but throw me a shirt and I would have a go . If Sturrige is really injured ok fair enough ! I am not sure !
Klopp getting frustrated:

News that will almost certainly rile Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp.

Striker Daniel Sturridge has not played for the Reds since 6 December due to injury.

And the England player's return has been delayed by at least 10 days.

Klopp said: “You can’t be nearly fit, then playing, then injured again, then nearly fit, then playing, then injured again, then during training something like injured again, and then you say after five days ‘come on’ to pick the day you get him and then he gets the next injury.

“We have to be patient. That’s not my best skill, to be honest! But in this case I have no other choice.”
It's not new, and I'm pretty certain it's not depression per se. Leslie's coaching staff gave an off-the-record briefing a couple of months before his sacking, in which they said pretty much the same thing - he reports injured far too much, and they are the sort of injuries that aren't verifiable. They felt pretty sure the issue was that he simply wasn't prepared to play when anything less than in perfect form. It's a mix of mental problems, could be elements of hypochondria, psychosomatic symptoms..... you have to figure out what he truly believes and thinks when he reports these problems.... and all that's before you look at the psychological roots of it all. Very tricky stuff. All I'll say is that Les and others seem to feel he could sort it out. From my perspective, he's had a long time to do so.

As you say it might not be depression as such but if it is a mental issue then basically telling someone to "man up" or thinking that he can "sort it out" doesn't really work. You need professional counselling for that kind of thing and even then someone might not necessarily get over it. The impression I get is that there are people that work with him and have worked with him that are implying he's been swinging the lead so to speak and while that may well be possible, it could be a lot more complicated than that. I'm certainly not sticking up for Sturridge here but I'd sooner stop short of mocking him for a being a lazy fucker as I don't know the full story. One thing's for sure - if it is a mental health issue then Klopp is going to look a right twat with some of those comments he's been making.

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