What's up with Sturridge?

Story I heard from someone close to the Academy was that they were less than impressed by his attitude and basically invited him to leave by offering him far less than the norm when they put a first-team contract on the table. I heard the standard was £20k/week for those breaking into the first team at the time but Sturridge only got offered £10k. Go figure.
Story I heard from someone close to the Academy was that they were less than impressed by his attitude and basically invited him to leave by offering him far less than the norm when they put a first-team contract on the table. I heard the standard was £20k/week for those breaking into the first team at the time but Sturridge only got offered £10k. Go figure.
Then why offer a contract at all?
Championship team like Forest or Birmingham. Right size clubs to massage his big fish ego.

What are you smoking?

You dont think hes better than all the strikers in this league bar aguero? His goal record is pretty incedible all things considered aswell
No clue what's going on with the man, I don't know if he's sulking, feigning injury or there is depression going on. What Hamman has said has opened up a can of worms.

He is a very good player on his day as people have said, but you get the feeling he's been under appreciated wherever he has gone. At City he didn't really get much time and even at Chelsea when he had a decent game he couldn't get a run out in the side. At Liverpool they raved more about Suarez when Sturridge was playing brilliant too, the fans have never warmed to him like good strikers in the past. If you mention Aldridge, Rush, Beardo, Fowler, Owen, Torres and Suarez the Liverpool fans cream their knickers, but they don't have Sturridge anywhere near them and his goalscoring ratio is just as good as any of them.

Maybe I don't watch him closely enough especially his body-language, but he's not that popular for any club he has played for, now and again I think he can be selfish on the football pitch which can frustrate people perhaps.

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