What's your best Prezzie this Christmas?

I bought myself that too and have the picture in between the kids on the mantelpiece.

As usual me and the missus didn't get each other presents and instead are away in Florida for 3 weeks, beats socks, undercrackers and lynx Africa.
I'm sure it does but I suspect the Florida holiday might be a little more expensive than underwear and Lynx ;-)
The best present I’m giving is the Christmas card received by email from City showing all five trophies. I’ve folded it up and put it on the table at the place where my daughter’s partner will sit and who is a Liverpool fan.
Happy Christmas!
A table at the bottom of the garden?
My nephew who's 8 he was city then utd asked him why utd because my mates at school are scum, told him don't change his dad sent me this today,my mission is over top Christmas present.View attachment 102412
FKW alert!!!

Only joking. Good job, I am sure he will thank you in the long run.
My son bought me the official City European champions scarf.
Me:”I can’t wear this”
Son: “Why not?”
Me: “It’s out of date”
Champions of the world. Sounds good.
My son bought me the official City European champions scarf.
Me:”I can’t wear this”
Son: “Why not?”
Me: “It’s out of date”
Champions of the world. Sounds good.
I thought it might have been too tight on you. I can never get the right sized scarves.
Small Coffee grinder and 750g of coffee beans. Did'ent really want anything but Mrs Booth surprised me. So i treated myself to a nice sergio tacchini polo in light blue and white.

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