What's your best Prezzie this Christmas?

My hub being here. Diagnosed with C in October, major surgery November and am just glad he is still with us. Got a long fight ahead, even stopped me getting too hacked off about the Arse loss and series of draws. It was great he was able to watch Urawa Reds and Fluminense games with me, he is a non league fan so just appreciated him being sat with me whilst we picked up another trophy.

Happy Christmas to one and all and enjoy your presents, families and footy.
Thank you everyone, your thoughts mean a great deal.

Apart from P being here, best pressure this year is an Istanbul coffee mug from Ginger Wig. I ALWAYS knew we would win the competition in Istanbul, which is why I knew we would lose in Porto. Sometimes I just get these feels...:-) x

And in the meantime, every coffee be reminded of the glorious 10 June.
I bought myself that too and have the picture in between the kids on the mantelpiece.

As usual me and the missus didn't get each other presents and instead are away in Florida for 3 weeks, beats socks, undercrackers and lynx Africa.
Give @Mad Eyed Screamer a shout, he’s got some good recommendations of places to visit in Florida, quite expensive to visit now.

The locals do love the Trumpster, it’s quite different to a lot of other states in the US, they don’t pay income tax as tourists get hammered on all purchases, good place to visit this time of year, have a good un.
I do know the feeling.
We find an inner resolve we never knew we had. When I went through it I didn’t give a crap about anything else.
My thoughts are with you.
Thank you and hope all is as well as can be for you.x
Yes indeed inner resolve comes to the fore, all of those previous major crises/disasters/upsets have been preparation for dealing with the havoc this bloody awful monster creates.
Thank you and hope all is as well as can be for you.x
Yes indeed inner resolve comes to the fore, all of those previous major crises/disasters/upsets have been preparation for dealing with the havoc this bloody awful monster creates.
When my elderly Dad passed last year it was a natural thing as he was 89 and had a heart attack at 53 so he’d done well. However the loss was devastating, as time goes by it’s easy to deal with as you realise what a good innings he had. My mate said at the time, doing his Noel Edmunds bit, “ if when he was born in 1933, the midwife had said to his mum he’ll live until 2022, deal or no deal, she’d have snapped his hand off”.

My mate also said we deal with all kinds of horrible things in life, the one thing most of us struggle with is the passing of family and friends, there’s nothing that prepares us for it, time is a great healer, it really is. Those like you who’ve had a scare with loved ones appreciate life itself more than anything in the world, wishing your other half all the best and hope you have a wonderful 2024.
When my elderly Dad passed last year it was a natural thing as he was 89 and had a heart attack at 53 so he’d done well. However the loss was devastating, as time goes by it’s easy to deal with as you realise what a good innings he had. My mate said at the time, doing his Noel Edmunds bit, “ if when he was born in 1933, the midwife had said to his mum he’ll live until 2022, deal or no deal, she’d have snapped his hand off”.

My mate also said we deal with all kinds of horrible things in life, the one thing most of us struggle with is the passing of family and friends, there’s nothing that prepares us for it, time is a great healer, it really is. Those like you who’ve had a scare with loved ones appreciate life itself more than anything in the world, wishing your other half all the best and hope you have a wonderful 2024.
Thank you and your words are so right. The deal or no deal analogy is true for prospective. We have lost the elderly loved ones ( 3 almost consecutively) in the last decade, and it was hard, but expected, we miss them everyday, and especially at Christmas and their birthdays - all were 89, so had a goid innings and remained sound of mind and in relatively good health until just before they left us. But this was/is just the worst thing we have ever been through, however we have tried to be strong and remain positive throughout.

I wish a heartfelt good 2024 to you and yours x
When my elderly Dad passed last year it was a natural thing as he was 89 and had a heart attack at 53 so he’d done well. However the loss was devastating, as time goes by it’s easy to deal with as you realise what a good innings he had. My mate said at the time, doing his Noel Edmunds bit, “ if when he was born in 1933, the midwife had said to his mum he’ll live until 2022, deal or no deal, she’d have snapped his hand off”.

My mate also said we deal with all kinds of horrible things in life, the one thing most of us struggle with is the passing of family and friends, there’s nothing that prepares us for it, time is a great healer, it really is. Those like you who’ve had a scare with loved ones appreciate life itself more than anything in the world, wishing your other half all the best and hope you have a wonderful 2024.
Had an issue yesterday, went to pick up my father-in-law 40 mins drive away to bring him to ours for Xmas lunch....no reply to knocking on the door, looked through the window and he was dead in his chair in his boxers. Probably happened Xmas eve morning as he had a hat on due to sun position and neighbours said his curtains weren't shut overnight.

Of course, no key so had fire service breaking in the property followed by the other services. 85 is a decent age and from his position must have gone peacefully, just not what I was expecting on Xmas day.
Had an issue yesterday, went to pick up my father-in-law 40 mins drive away to bring him to ours for Xmas lunch....no reply to knocking on the door, looked through the window and he was dead in his chair in his boxers. Probably happened Xmas eve morning as he had a hat on due to sun position and neighbours said his curtains weren't shut overnight.

Of course, no key so had fire service breaking in the property followed by the other services. 85 is a decent age and from his position must have gone peacefully, just not what I was expecting on Xmas day.
So sorry pal, that’s a terrible thing to happen, it’s a good age but nothing prepares you for that, best wishes to you and your family at what must be such a difficult time.
Thank you and your words are so right. The deal or no deal analogy is true for prospective. We have lost the elderly loved ones ( 3 almost consecutively) in the last decade, and it was hard, but expected, we miss them everyday, and especially at Christmas and their birthdays - all were 89, so had a goid innings and remained sound of mind and in relatively good health until just before they left us. But this was/is just the worst thing we have ever been through, however we have tried to be strong and remain positive throughout.

I wish a heartfelt good 2024 to you and yours x
Lovely post, thank you.

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