What's your favourite boozer and why?

All my favourite pubs are no more.

There was the Coach & Horses across the way from Piccadilly Station, which was handy when I was at the Manchester Poly Aytoun Street building. Made Mary D's look like the Ritz Hotel but the landlord did a tonking pint of Tetley's, plus there was a dart board. That went to make way for the Metrolink line.

Then Tommy Ducks when I started work. That was shamefully demolished overnight to make way for Barbirolli Square.

When I worked down in London, there was a great pub called The Clarendon across the road from where I stayed in Pimlico. Great mix of people, good food and beer. That became a boutique hotel.

The only regular one that's still going that I like is The Church in Prestwich.
Not been in the church for years...still good?
In summer a pub with a decent beer garden, in winter one with a roaring fire . Must also have a good selection of beers
Blues music? Great. The rest...I'd walk out. Good real ale or not. That's your choice of music foisted on the public.

Apart from the music this sounds like a pub my mate runs. He bought it 8 months ago. Small village, nothing apart from pub, church and around 300 houses. It's slowly becoming the village hub. Coffee mornings, parcel drop offs, pie nights etc etc.

He's having fun. Loves the lifestyle and the switch from a busy London life. And of course the peace and quiet of a very small Northamptonshire village.
The Dog and Partridge in Titchmarsh was the best pub for many years, alas like so many gone now.
The Nags Head in Wollaston
The Kings Head in Wadenhoe
The ship in Oundle
The King Billy in Northampton

Now The Royal Wolf in Driggs( i can walk there)
Dave's pub in Tetonia
In Manchester in no particular order

The Deansgate Tavern
The Millstone
Marble Arch

The lower Turks Head was right up there before Holts “saved” it.

My local The Cleveland is a great boozer but once again marked down and while I understand a lot of people love Holts beer as a discopop “lager” drinker Holts offering is second only to Lees as the fucking worst tasting headache tackle ever brewed.
There’s an Albert Schloss in Liverpool too on Bold Street. I like German beer so I’ve been in a few times.

The Cross Keys in Swansea is a personal favourite. It’s an old church and just has everything right. Beer, tv, all sorts of ages and bits of entertainment too. Wind Street can get very lively so just off the strip is nice.
There’s an Albert Schloss in Liverpool too on Bold Street. I like German beer so I’ve been in a few times.

The Cross Keys in Swansea is a personal favourite. It’s an old church and just has everything right. Beer, tv, all sorts of ages and bits of entertainment too. Wind Street can get very lively so just off the strip is nice.
The Cross Keys in Swansea is a lovely old building filled with cunts who dont have jobs yet manage to spend all day pissing it up between noon and 7pm every single day, with a beer garden filled of cokeheads and one night of karaoke a week run by a deadleg who has done it in various pubs for about 30 years without getting any friendlier at doing it.
It is cheap though
My local The Cleveland is a great boozer but once again marked down and while I understand a lot of people love Holts beer as a discopop “lager” drinker Holts offering is second only to Lees as the fucking worst tasting headache tackle ever brewed.

Heresy! People have been burnt at the stake for less.

I grant you, Holt's Bitter is an acquired taste, but well worth acquiring. As a young man, I worked my passage to it by drinking Holt's Mild until I found I could take the Bitter. That option seems no longer to be available. I can't recall the last time I saw proper Holt's Mild - as opposed to the keg piss version.

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