When did it all start to go wrong?

de niro said:
i have never gone to any game as comfortable or as confindent with pellers at the helm as opposed to mancini. i know thats not the right thing to say on here but its the truth.

Same here, apart from the first 3 months on last season, this year i have found us slow and boring to watch.
It hasn't really "all" gone wrong though has it ? Twice champions, once runners up, FA Cup and League Cup winners and FA Cup finalists in the last 4 years.

If we're talking about this season since the turn of the year, in my view, what we're seeing is the inevitable result of FFP. After we won the league for the first time we were hamstrung in who we could sign without having had time to establish an infrastructure to identify young and cheaper talent. We were held to ransom over transfer fees as everyone knew we a) had to buy and quick, b) had to buy English and c) appeared to have pots of money. That's how we ended up with Rodwell and Sinclair, not through any ill-will towards Mancini.

Since then, it has been a matter of trying to balance the squad whilst being out of the market for the top players but held to ransom for the middling players. Fernando and Mangala may come good but 5 or 6 teams seriously challenging for the top 4 is unusual and there is no time for them to acclimatize.

At the same time, the relentless negative publicity and UEFA's implication that we have, somehow, cheated has permeated through to the club. Imagine being a Spanish player coming to England and getting zero credit for winning the league, simply an unprecedented financial penalty and restrictions on transfer fees, wages, sponsorship deals. And don't tell me that this doesn't affect the players, Vinnie commented on FFP only this week. They know it has been put in place to stop us. It won't, but, in my view it will have to be a longer term project and that will be a lot healthier than doing what we had to do.

We may fall out of the Champions League this season but that does not have the finality some people like to torment themselves with.
Dogtanian said:
de niro said:
i have never gone to any game as comfortable or as confindent with pellers at the helm as opposed to mancini. i know thats not the right thing to say on here but its the truth.

Same here, apart from the first 3 months on last season, this year i have found us slow and boring to watch.

Good grief the revisionism on here is getting ridiculous
Mister Appointment said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
In some ways I'm sorry that he didn't get another season then some of you would have been under no illusions.

The thought sends a shiver down my spine. Could've set the project back 5 years.

History is littered with managers who rise and fall in peoples minds dependant on what happens afterwards.

This club will rebound and in a time frame farmore dependant on the quality of player we have on the park far more so as to who is in charge of them of schuffling them.

Managers have been overrated and the legacy of Fergie and perhaps now Mou leaves a lingering taste in those who attribute rise and fall to the efforts of one man (LOL).

Set us back five years if he stayed another year give me a break I will treat that with the contempt it deserves unless it was in jest.

The mistake we made was giving him a 5 year deal and he out stayed his welcome.

Next I will be hearing if we don't get rid of MP this season it will set our project back 5 years.

He has to go as well as his purpose has been served nothing more nothing less and like RM he goes with our best wishes nothing more nothing less.

Both average to decent managers nothing more nothing less.

Lets get on with the game of winning.
I definitely think the world cup has played a part in our demise, you know that sometimes players like Yaya and Nasri aren't going to turn up but when players like Zab and Komps start not turning up then there has to be a reason. These guys play practically every game for us when fit, especially last season, then they wen't far in the wc and straight away back into the new season. I watched Zabba be unable to do an overlapping run a few games ago, it was so unlike the guy we all love for his energy and willingness to run through walls for the club. I don't think it's any coincidence that Zabba, Komps and Aguero have all struggled this season, I think they all need a good rest, Silva on the other hand has looked sharp all season.

I'm not making excuses for Pelle here, I've been calling for him to be sacked for quite a while because of his inability to adapt to the opposition, continued bad substitutions, playing Yaya in the middle of a 442, continually changing the back 4 etc etc.
paulchapo said:
I agree with some of that de niro. We are not privvy to what happens behind the scenes but in my opinion things should have been sorted with Mancini and he should have been allowed to continue. He was hung out to dry when the club needed to kick on from the title winning season with a couple of 'wow' signings,that was all it needed.Mancini knew that,the fans knew that but the board let him down.Instead we got Rodwell and fucking Sinclair!

He was a winner and changed the mentality of this football club who had never remotely looked like winning anything in 35 years until he took the helm.Even in that average season we came runners up in both the league and cup and if it wasn't for the turmoil behind the scenes would probably have won the cup.Players who he identified as a problem,like Nasri have reverted to type proving he was right.I couldn't give a fuck if he says hello to the kitman so long as the team win on the field,that is all that matters.

Wholesale rotation have undone us especially in defence as it has never had time to become a solid unit/You can rest one ot two players in so called 'lesser' games but not half a team.This is a mistake foreign managers often make as they don't understand the competitive nature of this league it is relentless.

mate that's all well and good for someone like us on the outside who just wants to see the end result we want, but for those on the inside being treated like shite from a shall we say a dictator its a different kettle of fish, it might work for a while but after a while people will rebel against that sort of treatment, i know i would

it seems we have gone the complete other way with pellegrini the mild mannered janitor
Lol,another excuse for a Mancini thread which very conveniently ignores facts and truths.

Once and for all,can all his fan boys please accept,although he did wonderful things during his tenure.....it also turned to rat shit and his presence was harming the club.....his sacking was inevitable and completely justified.

Now,it appears,although for differing reasons.......similar can be said for the current incumbent.
FantasyIreland said:
Lol,another excuse for a Mancini thread which very conveniently ignores facts and truths.

Once and for all,can all his fan boys please accept,although he did wonderful things during his tenure.....it also turned to rat shit and his presence was harming the club.....his sacking was inevitable and completely justified.

Now,it appears,although for differing reasons.......similar can be said for the current incumbent.
Using the term "fan boys" doesn't help,your argument. When you come to terms with the fact people will defend him when he's getting slagged (what's the opposite of fan boy?) then these threads may fade away.
Both sides are as guilty as the other.
Pablo1 said:
FantasyIreland said:
Lol,another excuse for a Mancini thread which very conveniently ignores facts and truths.

Once and for all,can all his fan boys please accept,although he did wonderful things during his tenure.....it also turned to rat shit and his presence was harming the club.....his sacking was inevitable and completely justified.

Now,it appears,although for differing reasons.......similar can be said for the current incumbent.
Using the term "fan boys" doesn't help,your argument. When you come to terms with the fact people will defend him when he's getting slagged (what's the opposite of fan boy?) then these threads may fade away.
Both sides are as guilty as the other.

Sorry,i was struggliung to think of another term that perfectly describes his sycophantic followers.

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