When we were kids....

They don't do that nowadays. They have something called fingerblasting instead. I think it's similar to fingering but with more effort involved. Whoever said the youth of today weren't as hard working as our generation is clearly lying.

Effort? There's very little effort needed. Hand down the front of the knickers, locate the area, after a bit of a grope, and finger away. Go ask your lad what fingerblasting is. See if it's any different.
Effort? There's very little effort needed. Hand down the front of the knickers, locate the area, after a bit of a grope, and finger away. Go ask your lad what fingerblasting is. See if it's any different.

You mean the word itself has been "sexed up" and not the actual act? Well frankly I'm appalled.
I remember being sent to the shop, with a bag full of Corona emptys to get 10 Corsair for my mum. So pissed off was I at being bestowed with this task that I duly set about smashing the fucking lot up against a wall (still in the bag) as soon as I was out of sight of home.
Got a clip for me troubles but never got that shit gig again .
Be hard pressed to find some fucking spare kerb these days! It's like "Bread" out with the cones, don't you fucking park outside my house you bastard!!!!!

Don't get me started on this. Some **** parked so close to my fucking drive last week, that I couldn't turn left out of my drive. I live in a cul-de-sac too, so I had to turn right and then turn round. The **** left it there for 3 fucking days.
Fuck me! That's the first time I've heard the word posh and Barnsley in the same sentence. I took my grandson to school the other day, and one of the mums was wearing a dressing gown. Fair play though, she did have her wellies on because it had been raining.
I like Bah-nsley folk Stony, some real endearing characters there.

I mentioned recently I used to fish Worsborough(wussbrough).
I was fishing on there probably about 6-7 years ago and a local said(flat Barnsley accent) "a like thee rod tha kno's. A bet thee cud chuck a Jack Russell across watter wi that".

I had to laugh. I needed to use the loo and asked him where the nearest gents were.... " if tha wunts a numba wun(one) tha whoops it atte, 't Side 't bushes. If tha wunts a number tow(two) tha bobs tha arse down int bushes when no one abowt tha kno's".

Salt of the earth Stony.
I like Bah-nsley folk Stony, some real endearing characters there.

I mentioned recently I used to fish Worsborough(wussbrough) recently.
I was fishing on there probably about 6-7 years ago and a local said(flat Barnsley accent) "a like thee rod tha kno's. A bet thee cud chuck a Jack Russell across watter wi that".

I had to laugh. I needed to use the loo and asked him where the nearest gents were.... " if tha wunts a numba wun(one) tha whoops it atte, 't Side 't bushes. If tha wunts a number tow(two) tha bobs tha arse down int bushes when no one abowt tha kno's".

Salt of the earth Stony.

My next door neighbour talks like that. Great lad, huge Barnsley fan, he goes home and away and he used to go to England home and away too. When we moved in and started talking, the topic turned to football and when I told him I was a City fan he asked if I knew Daft Donald. I asked how the fuck did he know Daft Donald and he said he used to see him at England games.
Was going to mention about bommie night. My Mrs can't get her head round the fact I call it bommie with an m when it's bonfire with an n. Always called it that. And I loved bommie night, the older lads would go and pinch wood from other gangs on the estate and us young uns would guard our wood. We'd make dens out of pallets and wood and bits of furniture. Great times.
We'd play ralivo around the estate. 7 on each side, it was a massive game of hide and seek to simplify it. When we'd catch them we'd say 2,4,6,8 ralivo caught.
Kingy? With a tennis ball? You had the ball and you had to throw it and if it hit you was caught. You could only pick it up using your knuckles. And you could throw it as far as you could and then go and hide whilst whoever was on had to get it and start again.
We'd sit out for hours in the holidays and just chat shit but we always had a laugh.
-fuck me, it's like someone's just dredged out several ancient memories! Kingy, used to love that game, and I can totally relate with the rivalry surrounding the Bonnies/ Bonities/Bommies
Now you can't, or daren't let your kids out of your sight

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