Where Did You Bump Into a Footballing or Other Celebrity?

Walking down the street in Vancouver, Canada and walked right past Peter Beardsley and his family. Ran into Bobby Charlton at Manchester Airport with my Dad, who knew him. Had a chat about a soccer school he was running in South Africa and asked about playing in a charity match at Macclesfield's ground. I even got a game and got told off by Sir Bobby for not running back after HE lost the ball!

Had a million celebs on my flights (not fair, I know, coz I'm a pilot!), from Muhammed Ali to Blondie to Bill Clinton's Cabinet to Chuck Norris!! Even had the REAL Rainman! His minder carries his Oscar with him and lets everyone rub it (all the gold has been rubbed off the head!). He then does a few party tricks! Asks for your birthdate, tells you what day it was and what world events happened on that day and famous people who have the same birthday!

Played against Rodney Marsh when he was player/coach with Tampa Bay Rowdies. We won 7-2, I got a hat trick! Anyway, he comes on, scores a goal within a few minutes, and runs back off to the bench saying, "Well that's me done for the night!" Also played with Kaz Deyna at San Diego, and Ade Coker for those with an OLD memory!! Also played against the original super sub, David Fairclough, when he was in the Liverpool Youth Team, against Norman Whiteside when he was at United, against Nicky Reid when he was a Manchester schoolboy, used to do one on one training sessions with Terry Connor when he was at Leeds and we were both in the Youth Team. He broke through into the first team that season.....I didn't!! :(

Anyway, NOTHING compares to my younger days, when I used to stay at my gran's house in the late summer and go to Maine Road and watch the training. Got LOTS of pictures by the pitch and even got my picture in the Pink getting an autograph. Favorite player back then was Dennis Tueart and can still remember him picking me up and sitting me on the dugout roof for the picture! Or when Denis Law took the time to tell me what a smashing fella my dad was and what he said made me realize he really DID know my dad!! PRICELESS MEMORIES, especially since the old man died last year!!
Around about 6 years ago me and my mates went to the The Ritz for the infamous Love Train.

I was at the bar and clocked Dunnie, couldn't believe it. My favourite player of the past 5/6 years so after a few shandies went over to say hello. Then to my shock saw Trevor Sinclair, Joey Barton, Nicky Weaver, SWP, Stephen Jordan, Reyna. Me and some of my mates exchanges pleasantries, I had a pint with Dunnie and found out it was Trev's birthday. Got some quality pics on my old phone.

Anyway this is were it went a little mental. My mates sister was out (dirty bird, not the greatest looking, but you would) anyway Trev took a shine to her, he was absolutely plastered.

later on.......

So I'm staying at said friends house (In bandit country...Stretford). His sister went missing earlier in the night, we didn't think anything of it. Me and my mate are sat in his mums kitchen having a feed when we hear the front door open and two voices.....in walks my mates sister and Trev. I get me phone out and get a crappy quality video of trev with his arms all over my mates sister. Off they go upstairs where trev shows her who is boss.

Three hours later a mini bus pulls up at the house which trev runs out into and never to be seen again.

He left his silk boxers and socks, and to this day she still has them. She was GUTTED, thought she had a life of a wag in front of her. Although I believe he was married with kids anyway.

Whether you believe it or not, this did happen and I'll remember that night until the day I die.
LL Cool J - Chrsitan Audgier shop in New York

Molly from Corrie - Joshua Brooks

Micha Richards - Marbella

Was in a box with Andre Oojier at a PSV game in October

Him out of river cottage was in Panacea, i didn't really meet him but he seemes a right twat

Mancini - in the bar at Harvey Nicols, a couple of hours after his 1st press conference finished, what a top bloke
I remember bumping into Steve Daley in the bar at the Midland hote.
He'd just signed for City and the club were putting him up in the hotel until he moved into a house.

He was at the bar having a drink and I went up to him and had a chat. Nobody else recognised him.

We had a good chat and I wished him well. The next day we were playing WBA away and I said to him I was going to the game and hoped we win.
Anyway we got hammered 4-0 and he had a nightmare.

It was ironic that has I was paying for my drinks unknown to me a fiver had come out of pocket and I didn't see it fall on the floor. He said to me you've dropped a fiver mate and he had gone to City for a million - a record at the time I think.
Bumped into zabaletta and his family the other week in john lewis in trafford center,and back in the day met david white in canarvon in wales.He was staying in a caravan in st asaph,how times have changed.
Few years back I was struggling to get a ticket for the final game against Boro , remember where Fowler missed the pen to get us into europe! Well I asked a work colleague of mine if he could get me a ticket, next day he said his mate wasn't going and I could use his season ticket. I picked him up at the pub and he said we have just got to go and collect it from his house, I ask him who his mate was and he said his name was Tony McCarroll ,I said you mean the ex Oasis drummer? he said yes. Totally starstruck when I got in his house sad I know.

Met Distin outside Armarni shop on King St few years back.
I accidently pushed open a door to the Gym at the Midland Hotel into Peter beardsley's face (when he was with us), and he said "Ow!"

At the same Gym, I had a staring match with Mike Tyson (well for about 10 seconds) when he was skipping and the whole gym had been emptied (I was having a number 2 so they missed me so I shouldn't have been there). Scarey guy, but I could have took him! went back to work for another number 2!
watching the Fulham away match in an Urmston pub a few weeks ago when I noticed Michael Johnson on the other side of the pub. He didn't even look kinterested in the match. When city scored he didn't even look up from his pint of Joey Holts' Diamond.

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