Where have all the Insects gone ?

The UKs flying insects have declined 60% in 2 decades. Climate change and decimation of habitat are blamed. Of course this also has a detrimental impact up the foodchain.
I’d love to know how they reach these figures? How do they know numbers have declined 60%? Is there an insect census every year?
Here's the conclusion..


We investigated the absorbed radio-frequency electromagnetic power in four different real insects as a function of frequency from 2–120 GHz. Micro-CT imaging was used to obtain realistic models of real insects. These models were assigned dielectric parameters obtained from literature and used in finite-difference time-domain simulations. All insects show a dependence of the absorbed power on the frequency with a peak frequency that depends on their size and dielectric properties. The insects show a maximum in absorbed radio frequency power at wavelengths that are comparable to their body size. They show a general increase in absorbed radio-frequency power above 6 GHz (until the frequencies where the wavelengths are comparable to their body size), which indicates that if the used power densities do not decrease, but shift (partly) to higher frequencies, the absorption in the studied insects will increase as well. A shift of 10% of the incident power density to frequencies above 6 GHz would lead to an increase in absorbed power between 3–370%. This could lead to changes in insect behaviour, physiology, and morphology over time due to an increase in body temperatures, from dielectric heating. The studied insects that are smaller than 1 cm show a peak in absorption at frequencies (above 6 GHz), which are currently not often used for telecommunication, but are planned to be used in the next generation of wireless telecommunication systems. At frequencies above the peak frequency (smaller wavelengths) the absorbed power decreases slightly.
Correct so at 6GHz there may be effects but Camilla is talking about 5GHz in her publications.
I’d love to know how they reach these figures? How do they know numbers have declined 60%? Is there an insect census every year?

Yes. But not more than just one.

Various surveys carried out by the general public volunteering, plus localised surveys by professional ecologists.

Plus people with knowledge or training doing it on voluntary basis too, my youngest brother has an ecology degree and does occasional bat surveys.

If you Google it you can find details of NGOs that offer volunteering opportunities.

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