Where Hughes went wrong

Im as happy as a pig in shit he has gone.......

It's caused massive stirs but I wish people would give all that 'im embarrased to be blue' bollocks a rest

He's gone...let it go.....lets all move forward.....

Im looking forward to a bot of continental flair at the helm.......
Neil McNab said:
Buying Toure, Adebayor & Robinho and actually playing them!

Wonder where we would have finished last season without Robinho's 14 goals and where would we be this season without the first 4 games when Adebayor was the difference?
Didsbury Dave said:
I'm glad Hughes was sacked and I welcome the change of manager. And I couldn't really give a damn about the "way" in which he was sacked, to be honest. It's a smokescreen.

He got some things right but he got plenty wrong as well:

* Centre Half Pairing. Whilst I like Lescott, I'm unsure about Toure and their lack of aerial command has been the reason we've conceeded so many this year. He should have bought a ball winner to replace Dunne.

* Repeatedly playing a formation which didn't get the best out of our players. Stevie Ireland, Robinho, Adebayor, De Jong and Bellamy are not suited to our formation

* A lack of desire, or confidence, to change things on the pitch. Hughes hardly ever changed the system or the formation mid-match to counteract the opposition. He was a very poor user of subs. Spurs was a good example.

* Blaming everyone else. He was always putting out stories about what chaos the club were in when he came, and how he needed his own players in. It was bollocks, we had a good side when he came.

I would say overall he bought pretty well, and he did seem to be able to motivate the team, but I think they are the main reasons he failed. I think he's left Mancini with a peach of a job - it won't be that hard to put most of those right.

Bluefinn said:
Imo, hiring the Tafia and not looking for the best coaches etc. Second, not having the ability to sign good foreign players for a decent fee. Top clubs would have sold us the english players that made them a top club. We got 2nd tier good players that would never get us to the top without help.

spot on DD, added to bluefinn's 2 points of Tafia and inability to sign foreign players and you have it in a nutshell.
Hughes is the anti-Allison, he always plays it safe, I'm not talking about just on the pitch were it's there for all to see, but in every aspect of how the club is run and whom is there to work with him. That by itself isn't a fatal flaw. However, sadly Hughes also surrounded himself with like minded people and instead of asking "what is it in our make-up that means we leak goals" they blame it on the playing staff and talk about bringing in stronger personalities(although the fact that most of the team that has played over the last 11 months was made up of players signed by Hughes). The greatest example of this issue was when Hamann, TBH and Elano went to speak to him about the training system, I know what people will say Ohhh its Elano, he always moaned, but one should look at the other two Hamann has always come across as the ultimate pro and TBH(although shit)was in th IDF for fuck sake! So these are not people that simply want to be lazy. Let's look at how this was dealt with....Stories "found" there way to the press and the player's character was attacked. This is classic Hughes, no thought that, they might have a point or something to consider, just attack them and consider them a threat. If Hughes is to be a success at the highest level, he will need to learn that surrounding himself with like minded people while something that brings comfort comes at HUGE risk, because that adds little to what you offer as a package. I doubt that he will ever grasp that and frankly I don't really care one way or the other if he ever does. Sun Tzu said it best and I hope Hughes takes note “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.”
Neville Kneville said:
Strange how many people still want to start threads slagging off Hughes when he's actually gone & has no connection to the club wheras most who didn't want him sacking are taliking about what happens next with the new manager. Makes you wonder.

Erm, because he was sacked less than 48hrs ago so obviously it's still going to be a topic of debate FFS. And I've seen plenty of posts from Hughes 'inners' slagging off the Chairman/board....so what's the difference ?
Dave a good post and agree with the points made..............

Lets get the full house behind Roberto on Saturday............
TOTALLY disagree.

6th in league.
Semi finals of league cup.
Beaten once (don't include United - they cheated).

Yes some shaky results but SO WHAT. Takes time to gel the team for gods sake. Should have given him at least till the end of the season.


Do you think Mancini will give a toss about youth development?
If (and it s a big one) we get any success do you think he will hang around for long? Or do you think he will use us as a stepping stone to a more glamorous club?

We had a chance, i believe, of creating a new Clough/Shankly style DYNASTY under Hughes. All gone now. WHAT a cock up!

I am, frankly, depressed and embarrassed.
shlooney said:
TOTALLY disagree.

6th in league.
Semi finals of league cup.
Beaten once (don't include United - they cheated).

Yes some shaky results but SO WHAT. Takes time to gel the team for gods sake. Should have given him at least till the end of the season.


Do you think Mancini will give a toss about youth development?
If (and it s a big one) we get any success do you think he will hang around for long? Or do you think he will use us as a stepping stone to a more glamorous club?

We had a chance, i believe, of creating a new Clough/Shankly style DYNASTY under Hughes. All gone now. WHAT a cock up!

I am, frankly, depressed and embarrassed.

You do know that Mancini sent his own son over to our Academy don't you? And he brought through several youngsters at Inter AND gave them lots of pitch time. I would imagine Vladimir Weiss is throwing a party to celebrate even as we speak...

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