where was you 10 years ago this sunday?

I was at home and listened to it on the radio. I remember just thinking "typical ****ing City! They never change and they never will!
Where do I start ? Well I was there lets put it that way.

4 of us drove down on the Saturday, stayed at a hotel about 15 mins drive from Wembley. We all wanted to go on the lash but were all far too nervous so we had a few lights ones and that was it.

Drove to Wembley in the car, I have simply never been so nervous before any game ever. I wont go through it all as many people have covered it in their personal threads, however even at 2-1 still couldn't raise a smile or positive thought.

At the split second Dickov banged it in the top corner everything changed, everything........ 40,000 (maybe a few more !) Blues went simply simply bonkers, we pushed and pushed them through extra time and when the penalties took place at 'our' end the noise was simply phenomenal. When Weave's saved that pen I simply sunk to my knees (that concrete hurt !!), all the hurt and relegations that we had suffered all disappeared, people were hugging dancing screaming as one.

Then the celebrations started......and went on and on and on..... we drove back home and ended up in the Orange Tree in Altrincham (run by a huge Blue Pete Foster).

10 years on and the same short will be worn tomorrow (god knows how I still get in it !! ha ha)... It would be great of the Club would play something that brings it all back, don;t know about you but any of these songs take me back there

Right Here, Right Now - Fat Boy sLim (didnt that work perfectly before the Hamburg game)
Moving on Up - M People
Rockin all over the world - Status Quo

Blues everywhere, we never ever want to be involved in a day like that again, but let us never forget it either.

i was five years old at the time and had only been to about 10 home games that season. my nanna said she'd take me if she could get me a ticket but it was unlikely. anyway i managed to get a ticket because my uncles mate son (or something like that) was in Spain but i hink i would have got a ticket anyway-not sure. i remember driving down in a minibus with my uncle, auntie, cousins and my nanna who still takes me everywhere to this day. at 5 years old i was just mesmerised by EVERYTHING about the day. no we didn't leave but I remember my nanna crying at 2-0 and thinking 'blimey this is big'. when that second goal went in everything as just a big blue and white blur. going back on the minibus with everyon but me and my nanna pissed out of their minds. i was only five and don't really remember the day for what it was like the older ones but I will NEVER forget my memories of it...EVER!
Just got back from wedding/honeymoon hoping my mates had sorted me a ticket.......luckily they had - fleur de lyes pub darn sarf somewhere was a stopping off point & was bladdered by the time we got to wembley & almost got arrested for booting a van full of gill's fans, sobered me up quick style.....& stayed till the end
Wembley of course. I was 24 years of age, skuttling anything female that moved and just enjoying life. But this meant more to me than anything else. I was at the semi finals at Springfield Park & Maine Road as well as being at Ewood the year after to see us complete our remarkable journey back.

As others have said lets hope we never have it again but remember it for the moment it was.
Actually had the chance to go but broke my ankle the week before so sadly sold my ticket ended up in my local was only 10 people watching it was so gutted at two nil down then Horlock slammed in his and I thought ah wait a minute when Dickov equalised I was hopping round the pub screaming like made then the pain hit me looking at my pint i realised just by the side of my table where my crutches a friend brought them over and was able to take my seat again. When Nicky Weaver saved that last spot kick I jumped up and smashed my pot!! I waited till the trophy was presented to then ring my mum to take me to A+E!!! (The nurse thought I was nuts!!)
I'd been to more away games that season since the beginning of the 90's, eighteen in total, and quite a few of them with my 11 year old daughter.

Left home at 6.00am
Stopped 300 yards down the road because I had left my lucky coat. Had to run back to get it because I think turning back is unlucky.

Got the coach in Gorton. Met Richard Jobson and Jeff Whitley at Corley services on the way.

My wife face painting all the kids on the coach.

All five of us at Wembley.
At 1-0 I said believe, just remember how many times we had come back that season.
My daughter's face paint was running down her face with tears when Gillingham scored their second.
I was the only one who wanted to leave at 2-0, they made me stay.

Good job they did!

Shell shocked but ecstatic all the way home. Still brings tears to my eyes now, that feeling as Dickie scored.
me and me dad in the ground before the penalties!

me before the game

me and my dad before the game

got 2 cornwall with wife and young kids on the saturday,up at 6am sunday 2 wembley 5hour drive 2 the towers,I WILL ADMIT AND REGRET,when there 2nd went in (i thought they, the rags have won the treble we carnt beat these)fook it get back 2 cornwall as far away from my wrong un red mates, got 2 my car when horlock scored, thought 2 myself consolation.got on the m4 and put 5 live on ,we"d only fookin equalized(lost sleep over it,like when i sold my stone roses spike island ticket time and time again)turned it off through fear for the penaltys.as i entered reading services on the m4,i turned it on 2 here dickov had missed his pen,turned the radio off again, parked up ,and then saw a mini van full of west country blues ,rocking and singing in the back,so i turned the radio back on 2 the sound of BLUEMOON,gutted and glad at the same time,lesson learned,seasoncard holder south stand upper block 218,and always stay till the end! M.C.F.C 33 STILL HERE,NURSERY SONGS OF THE ARMCHAIR RAGS MAKE ME SMILE!!!!

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