Which result disappointed you the most

Crystal palace in the league cup. Furthest we had got for years and got thrashed midweek aswell !
And Stevie Lomas broke his leg in that one as well. Liverpool away when we won the League and were 2-0 down, at 2 a piece Vinny of all people mis kicking for the dippers to score, thought we had blown it.
The two that hurt me the most were both FA Cup quarter finals at home

Liverpool 0-4 in 1988
I was young and naive, so was our team apart from John Gidman and I really believed that we could take one of Europe's best teams, even though English clubs were banned from European competition
This is one of the very few matches that I've left with minutes to go as I felt physically sick
Just typing this is churning my stomach

Spurs 2-4 in 1993
The history gods were on our side. Lovely day, new stand opened. I worked for a firm in Essex which had a box at White Hart Lane, City were going to shut these big mouthed cockney's up and I was going to be Mr Smug in the office
This result really hurt me more than any relegation or derby defeat and I thought that I'd never see us win any silverware ever again

Looking at the history section to check I had the year correct and spurs beat us four times in the 92/93 season........... the twats
Boro 8 - 1.... Felt like a nightmare that never ended. Every goal just added to the misery. We were chopped liver by the end of that season. The last few months was just ridiculous.
Fulham at home. 2-0 up and lost 2-3. kept them up which I don't mind but that was a disgraceful second half. wigan final and real Madrid come close.
The 1-0 defeat at Arsenal in 11/12. Spent the night agonising over which would be worse, United clinching the title at our place, or having to do the guard of honour. Started planning to fly out of the country for a few days when they won the title.
Well this season Leicester and Everton.

When we can play that bloody well against West Ham how do you explain them results, just bizarre. Also Crouch scoring against us for Spuds so we didn't get into Europe.
Derby away when the penalty spot had to be re-painted - thought we were going to win the league that year
That whole string of FA Cup QF's - Tottenham, West Ham, Blackburn - just went to pieces when we had a sniff of success

This year it was Chelsea - we should have stopped them in their tracks - and never mind the referee, players should have taken chances and shut up shop at the back.

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