Whiskey nose revange against Preston.

the piss ridden old tramp excels himself. bacon face jnr deserved the sack. will be supporting preston now mite even get to the odd game when not watching city. could we not loan them adeybayor and santa cruz and michael johnson just to piss the piss pot off?
If City's owners had used their heads, they could highlight this nepotistical behaviour and really shaft Fergie and son, arrange a deal for Mancini's son to become the yougest manger in English football, appoint Ray Wilkins as his team manager/assistant and lend our whole EDS to Preston, sounds like a pretty good plan to me, lol.
I'm pretty sure if Uwe was managing a club to whom we'd loaned a couple of players, and was sacked, we'd all be screaming for the club to recall them in retribution.
OK Darren now is the time to prove you have some bottle and that you are no longer daddy's little boy - tell him he has been pathetic and that you are quite capable of fighting your own battles - I won't hold my breath!
They probably both lost a cut on their future transfer fees. Keeping it in the family and all that....
If nothing else it shows Darren Ferguson to be a mollycoddled amateur who needs Daddy to help out rather than do things for himself.

No doubt the papers will hail taggart for being a cheeky father type looking after his harshly dismissed son. It makes me sick.

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