Who’s your favourite City manager ever?

We have had an "interesting" mix of managers. I wont dwell on the bad ones. Les McDowall was the first I knew of. Was rumoured to be rarely seen at the club, but he invented the Revie plan, an adaptation of the false 9 employed by the magical Magyars...and it worked. Big Mal was a top coach but disastrous as a manager, always trying to prove how clever he was with weird purchases. Steve Daly, anyone? Three great gentlemen have occupied the chair in my time, Uncle Joe, Tony Book and Pellegrini. But the three stand outs are Joe, Bobby and Pep. Joe gave us a great team and many trophies, Bobby put an end to years of hurt, and will always be remembered with affection and gratitude by the fans, not so much by the club hierarchy. But Pep is the greatest and will lead us to great glory before he, inevitably, moves on. My fave? Bobby, just . My wife likes him too, for slightly different reasons.
It can only be Pep for me. No contest.

Mancini was the right manager at the right time, but was ultimately far more selfish, with too much stick and not enough carrot in his repertoire for me to feel the same about him as Pep.

As a footnote, I’ll always be fond of Joe Royle and Keegan gave us a couple of amazing years.
Mancini, as witnessed by the numbers he’s garnering on this thread, will always be held in the highest (i.e., insurmountable) regard by thousands of us. My love for him is visceral. Pep could win 35 thousand trophies with us but never have my heart. Mancini was the absolute dog’s bollocks: looked the part, walked te part. Give me the choice of sharing wine and breaking bread - Mancini, all day long. And I’m paying.
Mancini, as witnessed by the numbers he’s garnering on this thread, will always be held in the highest (i.e., insurmountable) regard by thousands of us. My love for him is visceral. Pep could win 35 thousand trophies with us but never have my heart. Mancini was the absolute dog’s bollocks: looked the part, walked te part. Give me the choice of sharing wine and breaking bread - Mancini, all day long. And I’m paying.
He was the suave one, that's for sure, and it'd be an Italian foodie's delight. But I'd rather have a pie & a pint with Mr. Mercer.
I just wish GPC was still around so Pep could destroy his legacy. They’ll never be a better manager than Pep
Mancini, as witnessed by the numbers he’s garnering on this thread, will always be held in the highest (i.e., insurmountable) regard by thousands of us. My love for him is visceral. Pep could win 35 thousand trophies with us but never have my heart. Mancini was the absolute dog’s bollocks: looked the part, walked te part. Give me the choice of sharing wine and breaking bread - Mancini, all day long. And I’m paying.
What about the 2012/13 season?
Pep easily,this is as good as it gets and we'll look back in year's to come at just how great this man is.
The managers that I had the most fun with were John Bond and Keegan, until things took a dive.

Machin, Horton and Sven all had their moments.

Maybe it’s my age, I couldn’t be happier than the way things are but I liked the chaos that Bond and Keegan brought with them.

So it’s mad Kev and suave John for me.
Pep,bobby 2nd and mad kev ,i remember them all going back to joe mercer when i was just a kid.

but Pep ,this is something extraordinary,and Im so glad and privileged I'm witnessing it

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