Why are Africans such poor footballers?

I wouldnt say that sexism and racism are 'very different things' Nashark. Aside from the obvious difference that one involves skin colour and the other gender then they are both similar in many, many ways.
They both involve derogative, misinformed prejudice against a person who is different to the speaker in one particular (and unimportant) way.
They are both largely unwanted remnants from a less enlightened past.
And another similarity is this -
If I know someone is sexist, and another person is racist....they are both idiots who I have very little time for.
(That last bit was not a dig at you btw. Was just picking you up on a point I disagreed with)
Lucky Toma said:
I wouldnt say that sexism and racism are 'very different things' Nashark. Aside from the obvious difference that one involves skin colour and the other gender then they are both similar in many, many ways.
They both involve derogative, misinformed prejudice against a person who is different to the speaker in one particular (and unimportant) way.
They are both largely unwanted remnants from a less enlightened past.
And another similarity is this -
If I know someone is sexist, and another person is racist....they are both idiots who I have very little time for.
(That last bit was a dig at you btw. Was just picking you up on a point I disagreed with)

Yeah OK. In theory they are very similar. Have you ever left your house BTW?

If you've so little time for me then why have you make circa 5 posts on this thread?

Once again, I urge you to leave your computer for once and see how very similar Racism and Sexism are in the real world. Life is different in 3d.
lionheart said:
pee dubyas crayons said:
This thread is despicably racist, can't believe the mods haven't deleted it yet. Does the OP not realise that saying anything derogatory about Africa is racist?
Stick to criticising white people please or else I'm sure you'll be banned.
I wholeheartedly agree and did try to get Ric to delete this thread but he must have better thing to do.

Is that you Clarkie?
Not true but seen as Africa is the richest continent in the world in resources but has been cleaned out by Europe and America, they don't have the chances that people in other continents do.

Zinedine Zidane - 100% African, say no more.

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