Why are Africans such poor footballers?

pee dubyas crayons said:
They SHOULD be better than other races due to their superior strength and speed (always bet on a black man in boxing or Olympic sprinting), this extra muscle mass makes them piss poor swimmers though.

I think it's an attitude thing and this must be ingrained in coaching methods.

Absolute drivel. Steven Gerrard is much stronger than SWP and Joe Cole is faster than Jon Obi Mikel. There goes your strength and speed...

What's next, Africans are dumb, only good for manual labour?
jus2nang (gooner) said:
pee dubyas crayons said:
They SHOULD be better than other races due to their superior strength and speed (always bet on a black man in boxing or Olympic sprinting), this extra muscle mass makes them piss poor swimmers though.

I think it's an attitude thing and this must be ingrained in coaching methods.

Absolute drivel. Steven Gerrard is much stronger than SWP and Joe Cole is faster than Jon Obi Mikel. There goes your strength and speed...

What's next, Africans are dumb, only good for manual labour?

I shouldnt laugh but that one doesnt stand up!
zoffie said:
I live in England and have done for my whole life.
Oh right, you just sounded like you were talking as if you were on the continent.

Before Arsharvin came to Arsenal, he was revered in England.
I think the OP could have put his opening question a lot fucking better. Agreed.

However, genetics have got to play a huge part in all this. Wenger said similar comments regarding black/african descended players had an advantage over white Europeans with greater physical abilities eg height, strength and pace. Same same Wenger spotted a talented, small in stature, spaniard who can pass the ball through the eye of a needle.

Because different races have differing qualities, the OP should not be called the R word.

If he had said the continent of South America are genuinely better technically than Europe would this thread has lasted 5 pages?
You don't seem to get it, how old is Arshavin?
How long has he been revered in England...
When Zenit started getting exposure in the Uefa cup, especially when Zenit played against English teams like Newcastle.

These players don't suddenly find that they are great when they are shown on TV to English viewers, they don't suddenly become better when they land in the Premiership.

Arshavin is about to be 29, he was earning huge amounts in Russia, and didn't have to move for financial reasons land chase money like other people have to.

He has been outstanding for Zenith for all of last decade, honestly how long has he been big in England.

Why do you think that after the World Cup, and even European Championships there is a buzz of transfer activity?

Players that don't usually get the TV exposure come to the fore, they have the platform, You can be pullig up trees in Die Bundesliga, you won't be rated, unless you play for a major National team, or have don esom eimpressive things in one of the trident of big leagues.
smudgedj said:
levets said:

for a start...

Erm Zidane is French.

NO... he is ALGERIAN.... Brought up in Marseille, but he is Algerian, he considers himself Algerian as his parents are Algerian.
jus2nang (gooner) said:
pee dubyas crayons said:
They SHOULD be better than other races due to their superior strength and speed (always bet on a black man in boxing or Olympic sprinting), this extra muscle mass makes them piss poor swimmers though.

I think it's an attitude thing and this must be ingrained in coaching methods.

Absolute drivel. Steven Gerrard is much stronger than SWP and Joe Cole is faster than Jon Obi Mikel. There goes your strength and speed...

What's next, Africans are dumb, only good for manual labour?

Well they are better at boxing due to greater bone and skin density, they can hit harder and get cut less, the same reason they make piss poor swimmers as these advantages mean they weigh more. The speed, in sprinting, is due to the fact the calf muscle attaches lower down and they get the power 'down' quicker. All other factors being the same.
Nashark I was kinda baffled before as to why you suddenly went all snidey on me after I wrote a post that hadnt insulted you in the least. So I've just looked at it and.....my quoted post (the one that you put on yours) was missing a key word ie 'not'........'I am NOT having a dig at you'.....that I correctly immediately after initially writing it. Was an error and nothing more and was on the board for less than a minute. Just sods law that you saw that post (with the missing 'not') in the meantime.
Peace out. Lucky T.
ps Sorry for the childish outburst. I was genuinely perplexed.

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