Why City?

Family have always been blues on my dad's side, my grandad even played for City reserves before his legs got broken, and he had to quit the game. He played for the reserves in the 50's, never got a chance to make it into the side though. I think Roy Clarke was keeping him out of the team? Don't quote me on that one though!
no choice.

dads been to over 50 grounds watching city including 68 at St James Park. Married my mum who's dad was a season ticket holder. Dads sister married a season ticket holder.....no contamination in our family 100% blue.

So my answer was I did not have a choice.
Because of Sven of course! And then I just got hooked straight away. Did watch the first couple of games just out of curiosity, and I got thrilled by the passion of the fans! At the end of the season I had watched every single game, albeit on telly. Since then I've been all City.

And yeah, I'm Swedish..

Have some interesting quotes from Sven which has been circulated in the swedish media, regarding Shinawatra. But since this is my first post I can't post a new thread about it.

Well, time for you to call me a rag

Its been said before but i was born a blue. My whole family are blues and of course all come from manchester. It started when my dad was a kid, he used to mind cars outside maine road on matchdays and then he used to run in the ground for the second half. When i was old enough around 4 or 5 he started taking me week in week out and me and my oldman used to stand in the Kippax. I was hooked straight away and demanded every kit that came out. He also took me to my first away game at Boundary park where i discovered how awful bovril was. We won 1-0 that night and Rosler scored with a header. I soon joined Junior blues and used to love the meetings where all us young blues used to pick which city player we were going to be. I also went to a few summer training camps at Platt Lane which was a dream come true. Training where my idols trained, you couldn't get better than that but i did. I scored a penalty passed Alex Williams and i thought i was the dogs. Im so glad i was born a blue because i am a part of the most loyal and passionate fanbase in world football and i got to sit behind the goal on the front row at Wembley 99.

In the words of Ronan Keating "Life is a roller coaster"
Was around 5 years old two of my Scottish uncles supported City no idea why maybe the Manchester connection with us, should really ask why sometime, also my older brother was a fan even though I hate the cnut I chose City.

For some reason and shamefully I have to admit I had a ManUre sports bag, don't know why just remember the bag and the choice I had to make, thankfully I don't regret my decision.
geertz said:
Because of Sven of course! And then I just got hooked straight away. Did watch the first couple of games just out of curiosity, and I got thrilled by the passion of the fans! At the end of the season I had watched every single game, albeit on telly. Since then I've been all City.

And yeah, I'm Swedish..

Have some interesting quotes from Sven which has been circulated in the swedish media, regarding Shinawatra. But since this is my first post I can't post a new thread about it.

Well, time for you to call me a rag



Welcome aboard new blue!
Moved to Manchester a few years ago, didnt have an English team, got into City, was natural. Mates tried to bring me to the dark side, told em tae go swivel once City entered the scene, couldnt help it, they tugged at my heart strings.

To be fair if I hadnt of moved here I wouldnt have gotten into City. Amazing city with one team and it plays in sky blue as divine as snow on a christmas day.
I started following the Prem a few years ago, and started following City when Sven became manager. I liked what I saw so I settled on City being the club I support. Many of my friends here are Fulham supporters because of Clint Dempsey and some of the other Americans who were at Fulham recently. I subscribe to the various football channels available on the satellite service so I'm able to see quite a few matches. My big hope is to get to Manchester in the near future and see City play live. If the club would do a preseason tune up in the US that would be great.

Aside from following BPL, I support Toronto FC in MLS. I have season tickets for TFC even through I live 4 hours away. I go to home games when I can, and have been part of the travelling support for a few, the close ones at least (MLS teams are spread out over North America, typically have to fly to games).
bumbleblue said:
I was taken to Maine road as a little 'un by my dad and my uncle. That was it really.... all it took. I am 45 years old and have been going since i was about 4/5. Had a season ticket for decades now. Life would be wrong without city. The first game i really remember was the Colin Bell comeback V Newcastle i remember being so moved by the emotions of all the people around me i knew i was hooked for life. The last game at Maine road too stands out, i thought typical city etc but when the final whistle went i just lost it and all i could remember was my dad who had grown up a red but my mother converted him when they married, he had died in 1991 and i literally lost it just stood there blubbering. Then i went into town with some friends for a meal at a spanish restaurant and gary owen and the goat were there too. Thats why city, for me . sorry about the long post .

I was there that night (as part of the Costa Blanca Blues) in Rafa's restaurant what a night that was with the Goat up on the table singing Goat songs.
The Colin Bell Return Game well what can I say about that THE most spine tingling emotive football feeling I and probably everyone there has ever or will ever have including play off '99

Why City? This question has been asked umpteen times on here and other places and it is still one of the best topics, I never get bored reading the replies and all the different reasons why everyone chooses City.

This should be a Bluemoon forum all on its own.

I'm not from Manchester nor were any of my family before me though I made sure my kids were,and I never knock anyone who is a blue wherever and for whatever reason they became Blues,WE all want Glory for our club some of us have tasted it ( and will again)for the rest it will come ,we've all joined the Faith now keep it.

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