Why City?

Iv never been to England, i'm an all American boy, and I chose city when I could have chosen any team I wanted. My dads a rag And like all rags he never cosidererd city worthy competition, so out of pity I started following some of the games, I am now a die hard city fan and have grown up supporting city when almost everyone around me is a rag. CTID;)
Mom and Dad lived in England when my dad was in the forces and I was born there. Over there, he fell in love with football, and kept that passion alive even when we moved back. So I was always surrounded by the game growing up.

I just fell in love with city. Don't know why. I don't ever remember supporting anyone else, and my dad has told me I've followed them as long as he can remember. I just made a very odd choice I suppose.

I know that as time goes and we start winning things I'll be called a glory hunter, but I don't really give a fuck, that's not the case. I've followed the club as long as I can remember from thousands of miles away through more relegations and heartbreaks then I care to count, so anyone who wants to doubt my support or love for the club can fuck off.
My dads family lived on Hyde Road opp Redgate Lane, my mums off Gorton Lane. Mostly blues of course and at the end of the sixties i saw my first game sat in the Platt Lane and recall Jimmy Greaves played against City. I was hooked by the smell, the noise and the colours of the pitch and the stands. My genes were from City heartland and I knew blue was my colour from that day. It was 4 years before i got a season ticket in the Kippax and am now in my 36th year as a season ticket holder and my two lads been with me since we went to COMS. Why City? Thanks to all those who sang long and loud the day of my first visit - I heard you loud and clear!
i liked the way they played and seeming as though they were locals since i live in manc and this was AGES before the takeover i then said you know what anyone can support utd but it takes a proper fan to support City.
Love this thread and had a tear in my eye

Grandad and Dad in a nutshell
Have stated this before but from Salford and my grandad god bless him used to go to every united and city home game. He chose City because of the Munich disaster and the reaction at the time when Bolton paraded the cup around old trafford. Bricks thrown at the bus etc

My Gran has stood on the kippax pregnant with my dad and she proudly says it. Love her to bits as I did my Grandad, she still listens to them on GMR even though she is knocking on a bit

My dad never had a choice and neither did I
Dad and his brothers got into city because their cousin was on citys books, somebody called Shawcroft. They got hooked and carried on going. Then when me and my brother came along, Dad took us and we got hooked too.

It the fans that do it for, best sense of humour in the world and only us could get £32k attendance in 2nd Division.

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