Why I'm giving up on football, City and Bluemoon

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I feel the same about Everton tbh. I feel like I don’t recognise my club anymore. Goodison Park is toxic, the Derby is a nightmare, Liverpool are always treated like the heroes even though they’re just as corrupt and moneyed as anyone else and Klopp’s turning into a German Ferguson with his incessant snapping at people just doing their jobs, Richarlison’s gone, relegation is a real possibility and both Lampard and Benitez were shit. And on a personal note, I really don’t like the way some male fans treat women who are involved with football, players or fans.

VAR is supposed to make the game fair. It’s a fucking joke.
The love Liverpool get in the media is ridiculous, it fuels their arrogance and entitlement. I have a soft spot for Everton as I have mates who support you. Sometimes i meet them before games at yours and they look after me like a brother. They are proper fans who love your club.

You will stay up, it wont be pretty, but Dyche is underated and he will get it right.

As for your personal note I could not agree more. When I first started going to City it was rare we saw a girl on the Kippax, now we see more girls at the game and that is a good thing. Football is a game for everyone. The way women can be treated is appalling, I just look at the grief Alex Scott gets on social media for presenting on the BBC. The men who do it are insecure cowards and should be treated as that.
pretty much reflects the same journey and destination for me.

Yes I did the Aguero moment, the 6-1, the 5-1 and many others including Oxford Utd away in the FA cup (5-2 win) in the early 70's and the 0-0 draw in 1997.

I did the '76 and '74 League cup finals, been away to Madrid, Barcelona, Ajax and Lech Poznan amongst others. I have never been a fan of the CL but I had to do those games just to say I was there.

Now CL means fuck all to me and today I feel the same way about the Premiere League. I fear I have seen my last live City game but I will of course maintain something slightly more than a passing interest and probably see the games on foreign TV channels (not SKY) but only when it suits ME!

Cheerio City, I wish you well... but I will always continue to despise that heap of shit from Salford.
In times like this city need your support more than ever if you want to stay away that’s your right, but why not do it after the verdict has been announced this is what everyone wants to derail our club, now calm down have a brew change your nappy and I’ll see you Sunday:)
they will never take my Manchester city away ? the shirt, the badge, the club, the fans, means more than MONEY,
if we are still kicking a football on a muddy field on a wet Wednesday night, in any league, I will want to know

This and only this. That is what a lot of red topped plastic twats on social media fail to understand about supporting a football team
I'd follow us even if we got relegated to the bottom tier of English football, one more division deeper than the depths of the old third division doesn't alter my love of the club and support i give. After all, I was there back then and and I'll do it again if i have to. However, if we ever sign up to that European super League I'll sever my connections with city full stop.
You are my City
My only City
You make me happy ...when skies are grey
you'll never know just...how much I love you
so don't take my City away

So true even if we’re playing down at Maine road or if we play a million miles away we’ll always have our LOYAL fans behind us to cheer us on our way CITY MANCHESTER CITY
Fair points in there, going down that road myself but not fully there yet. Used to watch whatever footy was on tv but I stopped that 3/4 years ago, only watch City now.
So this is my last post. 55 years after my first match seeing City. 10 years a season ticket holder 1985 to 1995 until work and family took me too far away. I was there in 2012 and was there for that Tuart goal. Been to many but not all recent cup finals.
I have been vocal about VAR, CAS and FFP.
So, today I have decided I have fallen out of love with this game, the trolls on this forum and the corruption hiding in plain sight both financial and governance. Refereeing and game manipulation and arguing the toss with morons and hypocrites.
My passion has faded with each passing year of vested interest interference, press compliance and journalistic spite.
And, yes, VAR has killed my excitement. Thank God we didn't have to wait for it in 2012. A moment that will never be repeated again in football history.
In truth, this has been coming for a while. I will sign off and find a new passion. City are not to blame. I watched football for the fun and passion. I now know more about global politics, financial compliance and sports governance than I do about our own under 18s. Something has gone drastically wrong with the game.
Our own forum has also become raggish and dipperish, misogynistic and trolled by posters who don't even support the club... And then the fans who love certain players rather than the club. Yes I'm old and I won't be missed but I already feel better letting go. Good luck fighting the good but ultimately doomed battle.
Thanks City for the best and worst times of my life but life is too short.

Same for me, don't watch football on TV, even if it's City. I'll watch muted highlights

I'm nearly 35 & drained with all this. I will still support the team but IF we are deemed guilty by the charges then I will walk away & focus on either my local non league team or a different sport.

Best of luck blues.
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