Why I'm giving up on football, City and Bluemoon

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Same for me, don't watch football on TV, even if it's City. I'll watch muted highlights

I'm nearly 35 & drained with all this. I will still support the team but IF we are deemed guilty by the charges then I will walk away & focus on either my local non league team or a different sport.

Best of luck blues.
Nearly 35?.... I wish!

FYC ; )
Same for me, don't watch football on TV, even if it's City. I'll watch muted highlights

I'm nearly 35 & drained with all this. I will still support the team but IF we are deemed guilty by the charges then I will walk away & focus on either my local non league team or a different sport.

Best of luck blues.
drained at 35,,,get to fuck

look at your username and man up ffs

CTID you're never leaving ....
The love Liverpool get in the media is ridiculous, it fuels their arrogance and entitlement. I have a soft spot for Everton as I have mates who support you. Sometimes i meet them before games at yours and they look after me like a brother. They are proper fans who love your club.

You will stay up, it wont be pretty, but Dyche is underated and he will get it right.

As for your personal note I could not agree more. When I first started going to City it was rare we saw a girl on the Kippax, now we see more girls at the game and that is a good thing. Football is a game for everyone. The way women can be treated is appalling, I just look at the grief Alex Scott gets on social media for presenting on the BBC. The men who do it are insecure cowards and should be treated as that.
Thanks. I get not everyone likes women's football - I do follow it myself and I genuinely enjoy it but I know a lot of people don't and that's up to them. But it's 2023 and women have been coming to matches for a few decades now. This is not Iran, and we have as much right to be in a stadium watching our team as male fans do. I've met plenty of female hardcore fans in my time, including City fans.

I also hate how if a female pundit says something stupid, she's representing her entire gender but nobody attacks men when Robbie Savage and Charisma Void Michael Owen talk shite.

(And I have a branch of my family who are City fans - my cousin is lucky as he's mainly known success, he hasn't had to go through years of misery like his dad. Plus I hate the rags so I like City by default.)
Apart from growing some will power can anyone please suggest a way I can refrain from reading the thread about our ALLEGED breaches please, please, please.
I am supporting the club 100% but I need to stop reading all the posts that are trying to depress me!! :-)
Good job you wasn’t around in the 80’s and 90’s
But at least in the '80s and '90s, even if City had that period of shit, you weren't expected to know about the current state of Arab geopolitics and have your club under scrutiny and facing the very real possibility of a points deduction, if not worse. Look what happened to Juventus. They had their title taken away and were relegated.

In some ways, the Moyes era was our golden age compared to what we have now. We won fuck all but at least we had a likeable, capable squad and Moyes managed well with what little money he had. In the 10 years since he left, we've had 7 managers - 9 if you count Unsworth and Ferguson - and some of them have barely lasted, and we spent last season fighting to stay up despite spunking a shitload of money.
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We need to keep our heads and get behind our club. It starts Sunday at the game. Let's raise the roof and cheer the lads on to win. No excuses you're in the gods amongst coffin dodgers. Get up, stand up and make sure you make some noise and rattle their coffins whilst you're at it.

Never before have we needed to show our strength and solidarity in defiance of these hateful allegations.

If you cant make the game sing to your TV or your radio, make some noise and show your pride and passion. I'm going Sunday and i won't be leaving early and i won't be leaving without a sore throat!
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