Why is the crowd so quiet

Psychodelic said:
The atmosphere was great a few short years ago - The Hughes replacement season, beating Chelsea, Tevez goal in league cup semi, Mancini's FA cup and title winning seasons. Poznan etc. Loads of banners everywhere. I felt that finally the stadium had finally become a proper football stadium and it was ours. Now its gone back to that strange atmosphere we had in the earlier years. Dead unless its a derby or Liverpool or Chelsea. I do think the club has unwittingly created this problem themselves.
The PA blasts out adverts and music at full volume like some bad commercial radio station right up to the ref blowing the whistle for kick off. How are people going to compete with that noise and try and build an atmosphere naturally? You can't hear yourself so you give up.
The vocal and more vociferous support shouldn't be dotted around the stadium in odd blocks, especially when you're up against 3 thousand away fans all in one area of one stand. That's never going to work. I know that's always been the case in this stadium but its a huge part of the reason the atmosphere has gone down hill again due to the fact the rest of the ground doesn't bother to join in anymore like the Mancini/Poznan days.
There were some memorable games atmosphere-wise last season - hammering united again, spurs and the arsenal match was particularly great. Obviously our great team had a major hand in that but the crowd well and truly joined in and created that special atmosphere. I'm sure the Pellegrini song was probably dreamt up around then in time for the league cup assault. We need that atmosphere back again and drop the lethargy.
For the long term though, rather than blame each other and criticise older fans and families etc. I think the stadium can be an experience no fan will forget and one away fans won't forget in a hurry if the club would utilise what it already has and bin a few other things it mistakenly believes is a good idea:
Electronic advertising boards round the second tier - get rid its shit and bring back the banners. Its a football ground not the bloody stock exchange.
Match day experience - please explain why anyone would need this forcing down their necks? 48,000 people are here solely to watch a football match not meet some prat in a costume or have a microphone shoved in their faces. And keep the bloody PA announcements to a minimum its not a black Friday sale.
Ticket pricing - prices for all league matches regardless of division are ridiculously overpriced in this country. If you want FFP for wages, transfers etc you can do it for ticket prices too. Tickets should be capped at say £25 for the most expensive. Charge daft prices for execs etc but for the general stands it should be kept low. You get enough revenue elsewhere so don't take the piss. That goes for all clubs.
And finally.... Get rid of the family stand. A contentious one but hear me out. There is absolutely no need on gods own earth for this enclosure whatsoever. It's a waste of time. Ticket pricing for families yes. No problem with that at all. However, there is no need to take out an entire stand out just to accommodate this scheme. Families can and should be able to sit in any stand. A number of blocks in each stand should have rows reserved for this scheme. At least its in keeping with the cheaper ticket policy for families and won't price them out and there is still the fact they can all sit together. This isn't a dig at the family stand by the way, its just such an absurd idea to have an entire stand reserved just for this.
The North Stand - this then should be where the club can put together a full stand of the more vocal and vociferous support and it should be made The Home End on all occasions. This would create in my opinion a fantastic wall of noise which would give the stadium a huge boost in atmosphere and which can have an effect on the other 2 and 3 quarter home stands to join in more. You don't have to reloicate South stand ticket holders only if they want to. Make the tickets cheaper and you'd soon fill this stand with loud fans who'd normally couldn't go due to cost. Make it more accessible - maybe have more one off match day tickets available in some of these blocks for those who can't afford a full season ticket.
Let's face it with the expansion, City could feasibly do this and without having to move away supporters in the South stand at an attempt at a "singing" section - thus also complying with the police's advice etc.
Anyway, that's my view.... Oh and I can understand some leaving early but if you must, do it discreetly and not en masse. Fanks :-)

Lots of good points in this post , even though I don't neccesarily feel the need to sweep away the 'Family stand'

Very good points made about those embarrasingly godawful 'electronic flags' / garish ads strips around the base of Tier 2

get fookin rid.. it's plastic and pathetic

Totally agree about the club shootin the fook up just before kick off... give us some space to make some noise and stick yer fookin banal announcements up yer @rse
willy eckerslike said:
Psychodelic said:
And finally.... Get rid of the family stand. A contentious one but hear me out. There is absolutely no need on gods own earth for this enclosure whatsoever. It's a waste of time. Ticket pricing for families yes. No problem with that at all. However, there is no need to take out an entire stand out just to accommodate this scheme. Families can and should be able to sit in any stand. A number of blocks in each stand should have rows reserved for this scheme. At least its in keeping with the cheaper ticket policy for families and won't price them out and there is still the fact they can all sit together. This isn't a dig at the family stand by the way, its just such an absurd idea to have an entire stand reserved just for this.

Absolute bollocks.

You can't mix groups of small kids in with adults who want to stand, hence blocking their view. Some kids can't even see over the head of an adult SAT in front of them. And don't suggest putting them at the front.

I agree it needs making smaller and perhaps moved into the corner over 2 or 3 levels. The club have a problem at the moment though, lots of groups of older families in there who can't be relocated to equivalent seats elsewhere because there aren't any available. Once the North Stand is finished, then is the time to do it.

agree with Willy, i'm sick of the minority that want to stand trying to force it upon everyone else. Why should people be expected to move seats just to accomodate them.
If the club and premier league endorse a standing section then fair enough. But until then sit down it doesnt stop you singing !! nobody minds standing up for a couple of minutes after a goal and singing but not for 90 mins !!
let's be radical and think different

I don't see why we can't have the entire East Stand Lower as a singing stand. Recreate the Kippax all down the side of the pitch. REDUCE season tickets in the East Stand to £400 and Bob's yer Uncle. Within 1 season the entire stand would be stood up and would be vociferous. Those not wanting to be so can relocate to any other stand. Prices for Season tickets should, imo, be as follows: Behind the nets £500 CB Stand £600 East Stand - the Popular Stand £400

Let's not laugh it off I reckon it's a goer.
Giving us our Kippax back.

IMO when Safe Standing comes in, the best place for it to go would be right along East Stand Level 1. It would be completely different to all other atmosphere stands in the country. it wouldn't be a piddly little effort behind the goal, it would be a much more substantial size.

I cannot see it ever happening though.
KippaxCitizen said:
let's be radical and think different

I don't see why we can't have the entire East Stand Lower as a singing stand. Recreate the Kippax all down the side of the pitch. REDUCE season tickets in the East Stand to £400 and Bob's yer Uncle. Within 1 season the entire stand would be stood up and would be vociferous. Those not wanting to be so can relocate to any other stand. Prices for Season tickets should, imo, be as follows: Behind the nets £500 CB Stand £600 East Stand - the Popular Stand £400

Let's not laugh it off I reckon it's a goer.
Giving us our Kippax back.

IMO when Safe Standing comes in, the best place for it to go would be right along East Stand Level 1. It would be completely different to all other atmosphere stands in the country. it wouldn't be a piddly little effort behind the goal, it would be a much more substantial size.

I cannot see it ever happening though.
its 20 years since we had the kippax
mekonmcfc said:
KippaxCitizen said:
let's be radical and think different

I don't see why we can't have the entire East Stand Lower as a singing stand. Recreate the Kippax all down the side of the pitch. REDUCE season tickets in the East Stand to £400 and Bob's yer Uncle. Within 1 season the entire stand would be stood up and would be vociferous. Those not wanting to be so can relocate to any other stand. Prices for Season tickets should, imo, be as follows: Behind the nets £500 CB Stand £600 East Stand - the Popular Stand £400

Let's not laugh it off I reckon it's a goer.
Giving us our Kippax back.

IMO when Safe Standing comes in, the best place for it to go would be right along East Stand Level 1. It would be completely different to all other atmosphere stands in the country. it wouldn't be a piddly little effort behind the goal, it would be a much more substantial size.

I cannot see it ever happening though.
its 20 years since we had the kippax
and we had it for 71 years.

An atmosphere stand along the side of the pitch facing the cameras would have all our best flags/banners on show all game, our standing fans looking good on camera all game, would house far more people than small bits behind goals, would be something special compared to other grounds...but as i say, i can't see it ever happening so anyone who disagrees with me are probably safe forever.
KippaxCitizen said:
let's be radical and think different

I don't see why we can't have the entire East Stand Lower as a singing stand. Recreate the Kippax all down the side of the pitch. REDUCE season tickets in the East Stand to £400 and Bob's yer Uncle. Within 1 season the entire stand would be stood up and would be vociferous. Those not wanting to be so can relocate to any other stand. Prices for Season tickets should, imo, be as follows: Behind the nets £500 CB Stand £600 East Stand - the Popular Stand £400

Let's not laugh it off I reckon it's a goer.
Giving us our Kippax back.

IMO when Safe Standing comes in, the best place for it to go would be right along East Stand Level 1. It would be completely different to all other atmosphere stands in the country. it wouldn't be a piddly little effort behind the goal, it would be a much more substantial size.

I cannot see it ever happening though.
There's a very good reason why a "kippax" won't happen, seats along the side of the pitch are more popular with people who just want to watch the football sat down, and as such will always carry a premium on price. I'd expect the pricing structure to slowly change to appreciate this over the next few seasons, much as has happened in level two already, with the cheapest seats becoming behind each goal, and up in the gods.
A good atmosphere needs lots of young men and boys in the crowd.

That's never going happen with current prices.

At Maine Road the main stand was always full of older fans, and they never sung or cheered that much. Now the whole ground is full of middle aged people and that is not a recipe for an exciting atmosphere, especially as ticket prices these days mean most of them are middle class too.
Psychodelic said:
The atmosphere was great a few short years ago - The Hughes replacement season, beating Chelsea, Tevez goal in league cup semi, Mancini's FA cup and title winning seasons. Poznan etc. Loads of banners everywhere. I felt that finally the stadium had finally become a proper football stadium and it was ours. Now its gone back to that strange atmosphere we had in the earlier years. Dead unless its a derby or Liverpool or Chelsea. I do think the club has unwittingly created this problem themselves.
The PA blasts out adverts and music at full volume like some bad commercial radio station right up to the ref blowing the whistle for kick off. How are people going to compete with that noise and try and build an atmosphere naturally? You can't hear yourself so you give up.
The vocal and more vociferous support shouldn't be dotted around the stadium in odd blocks, especially when you're up against 3 thousand away fans all in one area of one stand. That's never going to work. I know that's always been the case in this stadium but its a huge part of the reason the atmosphere has gone down hill again due to the fact the rest of the ground doesn't bother to join in anymore like the Mancini/Poznan days.
There were some memorable games atmosphere-wise last season - hammering united again, spurs and the arsenal match was particularly great. Obviously our great team had a major hand in that but the crowd well and truly joined in and created that special atmosphere. I'm sure the Pellegrini song was probably dreamt up around then in time for the league cup assault. We need that atmosphere back again and drop the lethargy.
For the long term though, rather than blame each other and criticise older fans and families etc. I think the stadium can be an experience no fan will forget and one away fans won't forget in a hurry if the club would utilise what it already has and bin a few other things it mistakenly believes is a good idea:
Electronic advertising boards round the second tier - get rid its shit and bring back the banners. Its a football ground not the bloody stock exchange.
Match day experience - please explain why anyone would need this forcing down their necks? 48,000 people are here solely to watch a football match not meet some prat in a costume or have a microphone shoved in their faces. And keep the bloody PA announcements to a minimum its not a black Friday sale.
Ticket pricing - prices for all league matches regardless of division are ridiculously overpriced in this country. If you want FFP for wages, transfers etc you can do it for ticket prices too. Tickets should be capped at say £25 for the most expensive. Charge daft prices for execs etc but for the general stands it should be kept low. You get enough revenue elsewhere so don't take the piss. That goes for all clubs.
And finally.... Get rid of the family stand. A contentious one but hear me out. There is absolutely no need on gods own earth for this enclosure whatsoever. It's a waste of time. Ticket pricing for families yes. No problem with that at all. However, there is no need to take out an entire stand out just to accommodate this scheme. Families can and should be able to sit in any stand. A number of blocks in each stand should have rows reserved for this scheme. At least its in keeping with the cheaper ticket policy for families and won't price them out and there is still the fact they can all sit together. This isn't a dig at the family stand by the way, its just such an absurd idea to have an entire stand reserved just for this.
The North Stand - this then should be where the club can put together a full stand of the more vocal and vociferous support and it should be made The Home End on all occasions. This would create in my opinion a fantastic wall of noise which would give the stadium a huge boost in atmosphere and which can have an effect on the other 2 and 3 quarter home stands to join in more. You don't have to reloicate South stand ticket holders only if they want to. Make the tickets cheaper and you'd soon fill this stand with loud fans who'd normally couldn't go due to cost. Make it more accessible - maybe have more one off match day tickets available in some of these blocks for those who can't afford a full season ticket.
Let's face it with the expansion, City could feasibly do this and without having to move away supporters in the South stand at an attempt at a "singing" section - thus also complying with the police's advice etc.
Anyway, that's my view.... Oh and I can understand some leaving early but if you must, do it discreetly and not en masse. Fanks :-)

Some excellent points. Don't agree with abolishing the family stand. Parents need a little bit of reassurance that they're not sitting next a foul mouth cretin every game. Love the idea of a "home end" where all the passionate vocal fans are. Banners need to be returned and away fans stuck in a corner away from the TV screens.
urmston said:
A good atmosphere needs lots of young men and boys in the crowd.

That's never going happen with current prices.

At Maine Road the main stand was always full of older fans, and they never sung or cheered that much. Now the whole ground is full of middle aged people and that is not a recipe for an exciting atmosphere, especially as ticket prices these days mean most of them are middle class too.
I don't agree, away from home, we have the same mix of fans, I'd say the majority are 30-50, and yet we have a far better atmosphere, that's because old and young will sing, and away from home we are all congregated together, so its easier to start singing, and keep it going.
urmston said:
A good atmosphere needs lots of young men and boys in the crowd.

Well there are plenty of kids at our ground now. Not just in the Family Stand either, I've sat in two different blocks (102 and 107) in the last 4 years and there were plenty of kids. The questions are by the time these are old enough to do their own thing will a). we have any atmosphere left for them to aspire to join (the new area could solve that) and b). Will they be able to afford tickets with the never ending price spikes and their graduation to adult prices?

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