why pellegrini

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2013/may/11/manuel-pellegrini-malaga-manchester-city?mobile-redirect=false" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2013 ... rect=false</a>

I have watch malaga games and the way he utilised Santa cruz is a damning indictment of mancini man mangement. The lad has been scoring against Madrid 3 goals in both games winning the game for malaga in the first game.

Very excite for next season I hope we get pellegrini as our manager and he will win everyone over if he comes here

Future is blueee
Im not convinced that this is a good move be like starting from scratch again its not just the manager that goes (coaches etc) and how well does he know the Premier League?
Ray78 said:
The board must of seen some potential in Pellegrini in his one season at Real Madrid. We are a million miles away from showing any signs of being at top level club. For all his achievements at City he is still not getting the maximum out of our squad on a consistent basis. This season has been a collective failure.
only this!
Be interesting if we get a new manager how they will manager the "star" players will they have the bottle to drop Yaya silva aguero or sub him if they are playing poorly
His record seems decent and obviously I am happy to support him if he does eventually become our manager.

However, the only thing that confuses me slightly is why a club that craves stability would appoint a guy who is almost 60 years old.
Elephant_Man said:
Pellegrini is a firm believer in the Brazilian 4-2-2-2 formation. It's an attractive and amorphous system - i.e. mobile strikers making runs all across the front line, linking up with full-backs and creative midfielders (so-called 'interiores'), moving in from flanks to flood the middle. The 4-2-2-2 system is extremely flexible, but it does require a lot of footballing flair and intelligence:


Thanks for this, very interesting.

I have tried to swot up and ask people about him for a couple months now.

Everything which comes back is that he is a highly-technical coach and a superb man-manager of players.

I can see a move more towards what Chelsea have tried to put on the pitch over the last 12 months or so.

His English is excellent by all accounts. I would be excited to see what he could do with Begiristain helping him to also put those plans in place.

Perhaps the moves for players such as Fernandinho and Isco are an insight of where we want to go.
Read a few things and spoke to people about him and one of his major talents is supposed to be his man management. This is Mancini's major weakness. Think he will be a yes man with tixi saying here are your players, get the best out of them.
We won't know until he is here, sometimes it is best to have the right manager not the best manager.

Besides, Mourinho probably wouldn't join and our management team don't like him, Guasrdiola is at Bayern, Ancelotti is probably on his way to Real. What other elite managers are out there.

The more I think about it the more I see this happening, Pellegirini well come to the club on their terms and be their man. Its like when a new owner takes over a club, its not unusual for the manager to be changed.

Sheikh Mansour and Khaldoon are effectively putting the club in the hands of Soriano and Txiki for the most part as its an investment for them not a personal thing. In Soriano and Txiki they have two astute and proven men in football who could run the club without much input from above. Bringing in Pellegrini would only confirm that they want to know they have complete control over every part of the team.
moonshiner said:
lastmanback said:
mancity56 said:
is it just me that thinks this would be the most horrific appointment our board could make ? he hasnt proven himself at all. he took a good malaga side to the quarters of the champions league ill give him that but what has he achieved. i would rather a di mateo or mourinho . is that just me ?
Would you prefer David moyes ?

Or Mark Hughes?
yes, hughes is free now. this our chance to bring him back to take city to new heights.

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