Why should people work?

SkyBlueFlux said:
Lucky Toma said:
She sounds very dislikable and gives people on benefits a very bad name by association.

Which is probably why the Tory-supporting Sun newspaper did this story to soften the impact this week of the Conservatives revealing their plans to cut child-benefits.

Jesus. Are people so fucking dumb?

This is the big problem, we can't just assume everybody on benefits is living a life of luxury like these people because many people really need the money.

Not only that but large cuts in benefits will not only effect the parents but impact on the children as well, who have done nothing to deserve living on next to nothing.

Unfortunately my philosophy of 'only having a kid if you can afford to keep it healthy' isn't taken up by a lot of people. We want to punish the people who don't deserve the benefits but not at the expense of the innocent single mums and kids who often rely on this money.

Obviously the system needs reworking somehow, but I think it is a very difficult science to master because there'll always be people trying to take advantage.

The first thing they should do is stop increasing any benefits/tax credits for any extra child born when the parents have been unemployed for a certain length of time.
Pearcey said:
bluwes said:
So you are happy that she can claim all this benefit then??, just asking

No it's appalling. But I'm even more unhappy and appalled about the rich tax dodger than the benefit thief.

Both appal me as well. Apparently tax avoidance and other ploys cost the country many, many more billions than benefit cheating. Both forms of robbery from the common wealth of the nation should be stopped and the criminals punished.
mackenzie said:
SkyBlueFlux said:
This is the big problem, we can't just assume everybody on benefits is living a life of luxury like these people because many people really need the money.

Not only that but large cuts in benefits will not only effect the parents but impact on the children as well, who have done nothing to deserve living on next to nothing.

Unfortunately my philosophy of 'only having a kid if you can afford to keep it healthy' isn't taken up by a lot of people. We want to punish the people who don't deserve the benefits but not at the expense of the innocent single mums and kids who often rely on this money.

Obviously the system needs reworking somehow, but I think it is a very difficult science to master because there'll always be people trying to take advantage.

The first thing they should do is stop increasing any benefits/tax credits for any extra child born when the parents have been unemployed for a certain length of time.

The problem with this is that it isn't going to stop people giving birth. Then when they do, what if they can't afford to keep the child? It'll be put into our social care system which would in the long run (I'm guessing) possibly cost us more. Not to mention a child may grow up without it's parents, which should surely be wrong?

This is the kind of balance the people giving the benefits have to strike all the time.
SkyBlueFlux said:
The problem with this is that it isn't going to stop people giving birth. Then when they do, what if they can't afford to keep the child? It'll be put into our social care system which would in the long run (I'm guessing) possibly cost us more. Not to mention a child may grow up without it's parents, which should surely be wrong?

This is the kind of balance the people giving the benefits have to strike all the time.

I'm sorry, but I don't agree with that. I think it will at least make people think twice and will allow them to have at least some sense of responsibility (something that is sadly lacking with the minority who abuse the system for years). People who work have to plan for children...why shouldn't anyone else?

Anyway, it worked in the States.

i just noticed it. Hate them even more now
mackenzie said:
I'm sorry, but I don't agree with that. I think it will at least make people think twice and will allow them to have at least some sense of responsibility (something that is sadly lacking with the minority who abuse the system for years). People who work have to plan for children...why shouldn't anyone else?

Anyway, it worked in the States.

On principle it should work but having seen one or two episodes of the Jeremy Kyle show my faith in people's family planning ability is shot haha :') (I realise that's not a good basis to judge the rest of the country on).

Maybe it's the sort of thing they should trial first to see if it has a significant enough effect to be worthwhile.
SkyBlueFlux said:
On principle it should work but having seen one or two episodes of the Jeremy Kyle show my faith in people's family planning ability is shot haha :') (I realise that's not a good basis to judge the rest of the country on).

Maybe it's the sort of thing they should trial first to see if it has a significant enough effect to be worthwhile.

Trust me, these people aren't completely thick (despite appearances to the contrary). ;-)

Not sure we could do it here because any "trial" that the Government implements is usually based on just certain areas and with concepts and processes rather than complete changes in legislation. That is where the States differs of course, and I remember it was only introduced in certain ones but was effective.
Not suprised to read such a headline story in the sun, but i didnt notice anywhere that said that this woman was breaking any of the rules regarding benefit.
Of course it is morally outragous that people can be better off on benefit than they ever could working, but the nonsence that Osbourne was spouting at the rich mans conference about capping benefit for those that were not claiming for a disability at £500 per week just wont work, How much does it cost to rent a house in London or anywhere else in the South East? and how many of those on benefits are getting anything like £500 per week without either Incapacity Benefit, Carers Allowance or DLA? their benefits wmnt be afected under the new regulations.
mancity89 said:
A MUM of 13 who splurged £1,700 of her benefits on a 60in plasma TV claimed last night that plans to cap payments to the workshy would leave her family "on the breadline".

Whining Anita Hull, 38, lives with unemployed partner Steve Dalton, 46, and nine of their 13 children in a large detached house - all paid for by the taxpayer.

Their benefits-funded income totals £38,324 a year but Anita last night branded Chancellor George Osborne's move to limit handouts to £26,000 a year as "completely out of order".

She said: "I would really like to see the Government give us a break and give us MORE money.

"We need everything we can get and this is going to hit us hard.

"If our handouts get cut back, we are going to suffer. It will mean I won't be able to buy my children new clothes when they get tatty. I won't be able to pay all my bills on time."

Yet the couple can still afford luxuries like the giant telly and even a SWIMMING POOL.

In the garden the family also have a large trampoline and a big wooden playground area featuring swings and a climbing frame.

Anita, whose family live in a newly-built four-bedroom home in Minster on the Isle of Sheppey, Kent, used a massive chunk of a £2,500 backdated benefits cheque for the TV.

She said: "I know £1,700 is a lot for a telly, but the picture is great.

"The rest of the money we spent on clothes for the kids but I think they were happier to see the new TV than they were with their new clothes."

Anita and Steve have not worked since 1989, after the birth of their first child, Troy, now 20.

Their other children are Traci, 19, Tristan, 18, Tarron, 17, Tyi, 15, Travis, 13, Tyler-Lee, 11, Tegan, nine, Trafford, seven, Tenika, five, Tamerira, three, and twins Treyboy and Tilly-Joy, five months. Tarron suffers from hydrocephalus (water on the brain), cerebral palsy, epilepsy and is blind and has been taken into care by social services. The three eldest children have moved out.

Anita said: "We found it very hard when we had just two children. But, now we have 13, it's a lot easier because we get more money.

"Some people have more kids to get more money but we didn't do that.

"People on benefits have a tougher time than others think.

"We have to watch every penny and I constantly have to tell my children 'no' when they want to buy things.

"Keeping the kids entertained is my job now. Steve and I would find it really hard to go back to work after all this time.

"The birthdays are never ending. I strictly make sure I put the spare money from the £160-a-week shopping run into a pot to pay for presents.

"They only get one present each but it is still expensive. In March, I forked out £99 for a Nintendo DS for Trafford."


Who's actually in the wrong here? The scrotes who are claiming this money? or the N*b heads giving them this amount of money?

No wonder people dont want to work! me and my girlfriend earn just over 25k between us a year working 40 hour weeks each. No wonder this country is becoming a laughing stock. You should be rewarded for working instead of having your ass slapped like they do.

Oh.. My.. God!

Someone please tell me this is a joke...

I'm suddenly reminded of this:

(From 2:00 esp)


"Can you calm down on your rutting, just for a couple of seconds, until we work out this food-air deal???"

Ah... A good dose of Bill Hicks makes it all seem just a little bit better. That and and a healthy dose of Psilocybin mushrooms...

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